Page 172 - 2019-Catalog-Full
P. 172


                                             Ignitor Board Tester                Fan Test Adapter
       SECTION 7   •   APPLIANCES UIB Board Post

          For water heaters,                                                    A handy new
          furnaces and                                                          adapter for
          refrigerators. The                                                    testing Suburban
          UIB Series Igniter                                                    & Atwood/
          boards are for use                                                    HydroFlame Fan
          in furnaces, water                                                    Control boards
          heaters and some                                                      using the IMT-12P
          refrigerators. These                                                  or QuikChek 12
          two basic boards have or post (spark plug style top) high   Includes both the IMT-12P Tester, and the Test Adapter   VDC Ignitor Board testers from Dinosaur Electronics. 1-Year
          voltage connectors are all “3 try” boards. The replaceable   Package. For testing 12-volt DC Ignitor boards, fan control   Factory Warranty.
          fuse protects the board from short circuits LED turns red   boards and reignitor modules.  100497  SFTA  Fan Test Adapter  $46.87
          when the board activates the gas valve. The boards also   Ignitor Board Tester Package
          have very good surge protection and tolerance to ripple   100499  IMT-12P  For 12V Circuit Boards  $256.33
          voltage from “battery charger type” converters.
                       Ignition Board Large Post
          100504  UIB L POST            $128.32
                       5.10” x 3.43”                                             Universal Ignitor Board
                                             Time Delay Relay                    Cover

          Universal Ignitor Board            Our replacement Time delay relay is   Tough, clear, fire
                                             for use in older furnaces that use a
                                             standard 12VDC ignitor board.  The
          The UIB Series                     TDR has a 4 second delay before    retardant ABS covers
          Igniter boards are                 applying power to the fan motor,   for universal ignitor
          for use in furnaces,               and a 2 minute cool down period    boards. These clear
          water heaters and                  at the end of the heat cycle before   covers offer protection
          some refrigerators.                removing power from the fan        from contamination
          These two basic                    motor. Size: 1.5” x 1.5”           and moisture while still allowing you to see the diagnostic
          boards have spade                  120806  TDR  Time Delay Relay  $49.78  LED. Small cover for Small (3.25”x4.25”) ignitor boards and
          high voltage                                                          Large covers for Large (3.5”x5.10”) ignitor boards. Covers are
          connectors are all “3 try” boards. The replaceable fuse               for use in water heaters and refrigerators only. Not for use
          protects the board from short circuits LED turns red when             in Furnaces.
          the board activates the gas valve. The boards also have very           100508  UIB S Cover Small - 3.25”x4.25”  $9.30
          good surge protection and tolerance to ripple voltage from   Trouble Shooting  100509  UIB L Cover Large (3 1/2” x 5 1/10”)  $9.30
          “battery charger type” converters.
                       Ignition Board Small 4.25” x
          100500  UIB S Spade           $128.32  Exerciser
                       3.25” Universal
          100501  UIBSPOST  UIB-S Post Dinosaur Board  $128.32 Use the Micro P-711 to replace
                                             all “Black Box” boards begining     Thermister Simulator
                                             with part #293. Does not
                                             replace “Black Box” boards         A handy new simulator used to
          Park Model Furnace                 begining with part #385.           determine if the Micro P-711 and
                                             Built-in surge protection.
                                                                                all other Dometic “black box”
                                             Protects from installation errors and the RV Power supply.
          Board                              Fuse protected on the 120 VAC circuit, 12 VDC supply   boards and their replacements are
                                                                                responding to thermistor changes.
                                             and the DC element. Improved thermocouple circuit to
       SPECIAL ORDER  24 VAC operation       eliminate recurring check light problem. Food saver feature   on the lower control board in back
                                                                                Plugs into the thermistor connector
                                             keeps the refrigerator operating if the eyebrow board or
          “For park model
                                                                                of the refrigerator.  1 year factory
                                             communication link fails. Built in control allows temperature
          furnaces”. 3 try (Cut
                                             adjustment in the “Fixed” temperature Americana and
          a jumper for single
          try), microcontrolled,
                                             allows compensation for aging and production variations in
          Diagnostic LED, Fuse               Freedom series refrigerators. The temperature control also   100530  THEMISTER  Testing Tool  $47.67
          & Surge protected,                 those units that have the -1-2-3-4-5- temperature control
          3.43” x 5.10”. Three year warranty  on the operator panel. Built-in microcontoller for highly
                                             reliable operation. Universal 2-way or 3-way (AC / DC / Gas)
                       For 24 VAC Park Model   operation. Install optional fuse (provided) for 3-way operation.
          100505  UIB 24 VAC            $128.32
                       Furnaces              120710  P711EX  Micro P-711 Exerciser Tester  $193.25  Ignitor Board Tester
                                                                                12 VDC - This handy
                                                                                Tester plugs into a
          Atwood Board                       Power Supply Board                 cigarette lighter. Tests
                                                                                most 12 VDC Ignitor
          Combo DSI board with               Works in the following             boards that do not use an
                                                                                external sense wire. Small
          the 110v pins for water            Norcold® refrigerators:            and easy to use, toss it
          heaters using the pin style        652, 662, 682, 6052,               in the tool box to keep it
          connections. Can also              6062, 6082, 6162, 6182,            handy. 1 Year factory warranty. Easy to use: Plug the tester
          be used without the pin            6621M, 6821M. The                  onto the board, Hook up the spark wire, Plug the tester into
          connections as a standard 12v      618661 board can also              the cigarette lighter, Wait for the spark, Push the flame sense
          DC DSI board.                      replace the 61647422 board.        button to check the sense circuit.
          100510  UIB 64  Combo Igniton Board  $172.40 120800  618661  2-way Power Supply Board  $128.32 120711  QUIKCHEK  QuikChek Ignitor Board Tester  $83.15
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