Page 719 - 2019-Catalog-Full
P. 719


         Mounting Kit                       Mounting Brackets                  24K Superrail Kit

                                            Brackets and hardware only.        The heavy duty
                                                                               24K SuperGlide
                                            740381  2723  2003-2012 Dodge 3/4, 1 Ton W/  $181.50  moves up
                                                        Overloads              to 18” while
                                            740384  2733  2004-2012 F-150  $181.50 making turns -
                                                                               going forward
         Kit includes SuperRails, custom designed                              or in reverse
         mounting brackets & mounting hardware                                 - designed
         totally removable base rails, utilizing                               for the largest, heaviest 5th wheel towing
         SuperBracket type mounting brackets on the                            applications. The 24K SuperGlide model
         frame of the truck - and easily removable rails                       doesn’t use base rails, but features a unique
         off the heavy duty mounting posts and then  12K Superrail Kit         “post mount” system - resulting in a completely
         in the bed. Just lift the hitch out, lift the rails
                                                                               smooth, clean bed when the hitch is removed.
         simply twist the posts ? turn and remove them   Kit includes removable   WARNING: This product can expose you to   HITCHES & TOWING   •  SECTION 22
         for a smooth, clean truck bed. Eliminates need   SuperRails & posts,   Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California
         to cut bed mats and liners for rail to floor   custom mounting        to cause Cancer. For more information go to
         contact. No tools required for complete hitch,   brackets & hardware,
         rail and mounting post removal.    all 12K models are                 740355                       $999.00
           WARNING: This product can expose you to   removable base rail design.    3515 Chevy ‘99-’08 1500
         Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California   WARNING: This product can expose you to
         to cause Cancer. For more information go to   Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California            to cause Cancer. For more information go to
                     2009-14 Dodge 1500 W/ 5’ 7” Bed
         740327  3122                 $717.66
                                                                          $717.66 Capture Plate
                     & 6 1/2’ Bed           740329  3120  Dodge ‘09-’12 1500 W/5’ 7”  $699.00
                                            740324  3114  Chevrolet 04-07 1500 LD/HD
                                            740326  3119  Ford ‘90-’120 W/5’7” Bed F-150  $717.66
                                            740325  3115  Nissan Titan 04-13  $717.66
                                            740322  3112  Toyota Tundra ‘01-’06  $717.66

         Mounting Kit ISR                                                      Includes: Universal Capture Plate, Fore & Aft

                                            14/16/17K Superrail Kit            Plate Extensions, Knee Braces & Hardware.
                                                                                  WARNING: This product can expose you to
                                                                               Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California
                                           SuperRail kits                      to cause Cancer. For more information go to
                                           feature totally           
                                           rails/posts for                     740366  331756  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $150.54
                                           a completely                        740363  3317  Pullrite Capture Plate  $231.04
                                           smooth truck                        740365  3365  Multi-Fit QuickConnect Plate  $150.54
                                           bed when                            740362  331709  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $150.54
                                           done towing.                        740358                       $150.54
        Better than “theirs” industry standard universal   WARNING: This product can expose you to   331720  Fabex Quick Connect Capture Plate
        mounting kits. Kit includes all items needed for   Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California   740371  331750  Quick Connect Capture Plate - Demco  $150.54
        installation on a Ford, Dodge, or GM. Installs in   to cause Cancer. For more information go to   740374  331751  Demco 825xxxx Models  $150.54
        the optimal towing position, centered over the  740373  331730  Quick Connect Capture Plate Leland  $150.54  PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
        axle, giving you the most clearance with the                           740370  331731  Trailer Capture Plate  $150.54
        cab possible.  See fit chart for more details.  CHEVROLET/GMC          740364  331704  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $150.54
           WARNING: This product can expose you to   740345  3345  16K Rail Kit Chevy 99-08  $754.46  740359  331705  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $150.54
         Carbon Black, which is known to the State of California   740347  4423  Rail Kit Chev 07-2008 1500 New   $754.46  740368  331710  Lipert Quick Connect Capture Plate  $150.54
         to cause Cancer. For more information go to    Body Style             740360  331711  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $150.54                          DODGE                740367  331707  Quick Connect Capture Plate Moryride $150.54
                                                        16K Rail Kit Dodge 03-08 (Also   740377  331758  Trailer Capture Plate  $150.54
         740372  2720  Ch/Dg/Fd Rail Kit  $217.07 740349  3349  02 1/2 Ton)  $879.72
         740389  2738  2011-2013 F250 & F350 Ford - ISR  $363.19  FORD         740361  331706  Quick Connect Capture Plate - Fabex  $150.54
         740385  2724  2011-2014 Chevy 2500 & 3500  $363.20  16K Rail Kit Ford 97-03 F150 Light   740369  331760  QuickConnect Capture Plate - Trailair   $150.54
         740390  2732  04-13 Ford F150  $363.19  740342  3342  Duty (Not Super Crew)  $754.46  Quick Connect Capture Plate - Trailair
         740388  2728  09-12 Dodge 1500  $363.19        20k, Rail Kit Ford ‘15-’18; F150 W/   740376  331757  Tri Glide  $150.54
         740387  2736  03-12 Dodge 2500 & 3500  $363.19  740443  2760  Aluminum Bed  $363.19  5th Airborne Long Capture Plate for    SPECIAL ORDER
         740386  2730  07-13 Chevy 1500  $363.19 740350  3361  Refer To Fit Chart For Application  $754.46  740379  331759  SuperGlide Hitches  $150.54
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