Page 457 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 457

              Frameless Window                 Weather Stripping                Ceiling

              Foam Seal                        Vinyl Weatherstripping for       Board

                                               sealing cracks between
              • New                            RV door and                      4' x 8' stucco
               STRONGER                        window frames.                   texture
               ADHESION                        10’ per pack.                                                       SECTION 12
               for elevated                                                     430013 87312 Ceiling Board - Adobe Arctic 3.4MM  $77.21
               performance                                                      430014 87316 Batten Strip - Adobe Arctic 8’  $3.40
              • Specifically                   530266 1562C  10’ Weatherstripping Per/Pk  $10.09
               engineered for Frameless Windows •
               CONVENIENT SIZED ROLL for “per job”
               invoicing and reduced inventory issues •                         Fiberglass Siding
               May be used in other applications around
               doors and compartments
              • Double sided adhesive • .375” x .625” x
               25’ rolls
              • Individually bagged            Cap Tape

                  WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   Thick density single
              Harm -   coated closed
                                               cell PVC foam;                                                      HARDWARE
              500659 018-385825 3/8” x 5/8” x 25’ Black  $8.40  acrylic adhesive;
                                               polyester film
                                               release liner.                   Filon is a durable, semi-rigid material of
                                               Also available                   fiberglass reinforced plastic. It will not dent
                                               with a paper                     like aluminum siding. Features a protective
                                               release liner (#832).
                                               Used to seal out air, moisture, light and   film that must be removed after installation.
                                               dust when compressed at least 30% in   410021  102X60.050  102” X 5’ Filon  -   $276.46
                                               truck cap mounting, weather stripping and    Polar White Smooth
                                               non-critical sealing applications; offers   410022 102X120.050  102” X 10’ Filon  -   $552.94
                                               long service life.                           Polar White Smooth
                                                                                            102” X 20’ Filon  -
              Weather Stripping                   WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   410023 102X240.050  Polar White Smooth  $1,105.87
                                               Harm -   410024 102X360.050  102” X 30’ Filon  -   $1,718.88
                                                                                            Polar White Smooth
                                               500731 8301X01GKG 3/16” X 1” x 30’  $9.90    102” X 40’ Filon -
                                               500954 8301C01GKG 3/16” x 1-1/2” x 30’  $7.42  410025 102X480.050  Polar White Smooth  $2,211.73
                                               500958 8301A01GKG 3/16 “ x 1-1/4” x 30’  $6.80

                                                                                618 Filon Red Glue

              General purpose, acrylic adhesive tape   Cap Tape
              used as weather stripping, gasketing                              Bender 618 Sprayable
              and applications requiring positive   Simple to use               Grade Contact Cement is
              seals on irregular surfacee. Flexible and   tape, seals           a high quality, production
              conformable to seal tight radius curves   pickup cap from         grade, sprayable contact
              when critical. Seals out air, moisture,   moisture, dust.         cement with good strength,
              light and dust when compressed at least                           fast flash time, good body
              30%. Resists most chemicals, acids and   420046 CTP150  Paper Cap Tape 1-1/2”x30’ Black   $9.36  and a resistance to bleed
              solvents. 1/16” thick, 7 lb. density single   (20/Case)           through on most substrates.
              coated UV resistant closed cell PVC foam,   420050 CTM200  Mylar Cap Tape 2”x30’ Black   $13.70  For use with high pressure laminates,
              paper release liner.Meets Specs: General    (16/Case)             fabrics, many plastics, cardboard, concrete
              Motors 6086M-IA; Ford ESB M3G102-A;                               and other substrates. (RED Color)
              Chrysler MSAY 511-A, B and C.                                     410035 HPOG618  631 Red Glue 1 Gallon  $81.21  PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                                                                410030 HP0H618  631 Red Glue 5 Gallon  $318.61
                  WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive
              Harm -
              500730 839XE10AKG 7/16” x 3/4” x 10’ Weather Stripping $11.95  Ceiling
              500732 839XB10AKG 7/16” x 3/8” x 10’ Weather Stripping $9.11      Red Contact Cement
              500734 837XB10AKG 5/16” x 3/8” x 10’ Weather Stripping $6.00  Board
              500736 837XE10AKG 5/16” x 3/4” x 10’ Weather Stripping $9.66      Bender 631 Sprayable Grade
              500737 841XE10AKG 3/16” x 3/4” x 10’ Weather Stripping $12.16  Ceiling Board RV   Contact Cement is a high quality,
                                                                                production grade, sprayable
                                               5/32” 4’ X 8’ Very
              500738 8391X10AKG 7/16” x 1” x 10’ Weather Stripping $11.83  Light Texture. With   contact cement with good
              500739 8421X10AKG 9/16” x 1” x 10’ Weather Stripping  $6.31  Matching batten strips.  strength, fast flash time, good body
              500953 837XC10AKG 5/16” x 1/2” x 10’ Weather Stripping $7.34  Luan Gravure Snow 3.2ML/50”   and a resistance to bleed through
              500955 841XB10AKG 3/16” x 3/8” x 10’ Weather Stripping $7.45  430002 45008753D  No Texture  $75.71  on most substrates. For use with    SPECIAL ORDER
              500956 839XC10AKG 7/16” x 1/2” x 10’ Weather Stripping $8.68  1/8” Batten Strip White   fiberglass only. (RED Color)
              500957 841XC50AKG 3/16” x 1/2” x 50’ Weather Stripping $6.37  430005 7/8” x 96”  3.4MM x 7/8”x96”  $3.58  410031  631  631 Red Glue Aerosol Can 24 Oz  $21.41
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