Page 476 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 476



           Forged D-Ring
                                                                              Eye Bolt
           Features a weld-on               Rope Ring w/Bolt On               Forged
           mounting bracket and
           has a working load limit         The Heavy Duty Rope Ring
           of 6,130 lb.                     with Bracket from Buyers          761149  B56727  5/8”-11 - 2 Ton Capacity  $9.36
                                            Products carries a working        761164  B56725  1/2”-13 - 1.3 Ton Capacity  $7.14
                                            load limit of 2,000 lb and
                                            comes complete with a bolt-       Stake Pocket Tapered
           590015 B40  5/8” Forged Lash Ring W/Mount  $11.01  on bracket for interior use.
           590016 B38  1/2” Forged Lash Ring W/Mount  $7.28  760250 B32F  3/8” Rope Ring W/Bolt-On Bracket  $3.29
           761161  B48  1” Forged Lash Ring W/Mount  $20.04                   Bolt On
           Weld-On                          Support                           Bolt or weld onto
                                                                              your trailer. 1-1/2”
                                                                              x 3” opening holds
           Forged D-Ring                    Plate                             a tapered 2 x 4 upright. pockets: tapered,
                                                                              material type: 11-gauge steel, finish type:
                                            Zinc Plated, Back                 hot-dipped galvanized.
           1/2” Forged D-Ring With          support plate, used with:         590019 B2374G  Stake Pocket Tapered Bolt On  $3.12
           Weld-on Mounting Bracket.        B601, B601U, B701,
                                            B701SM, B23 & B23SS.
                       D-Ring,1/2”, 2-1/2 x 2-3/8,
           760251 B38W                  $7.21
                       Weld-On Bracket      761145  7622BP  Zinc Support Plate  $5.22  Section E-Track
           Rope Ring                        Recessed

           1/4” diameter surface mounted    Floor/Wall
           rope ring is for tying in cargo
           on horse or stock trailers or    Requires 3” dia. mounting         This 5 ft. section of E-Track can be mounted
           other light duty jobs. Made of   hole in 3/8” or thicker           to the floor or walls of enclosed trailers
           zinc-plated formed steel clamp.   material. Ultimate               to provide a convenient anchor point for
           Weight capacity is NOT rated.    breaking strength: 850            ratchet straps and tie-off’s. Gunmetal gray
           Do NOT use for lifting.          lbs.Working load limit: 285 lbs. Zinc plated  powder coat finish. 12 gauge steel.
           761087 B20  1/4” D-Ring      $1.01  590014 B601  Recessed Rope Ring (.260   $3.80  761127  1903055  5’ Section E-Track  $67.84
         SPECIAL ORDER  Zinc D-Ring         Heavy Duty Recessed               Rope Tie w/E-Clip
                                                                                         10’ Section E-Track
                                                        Holes Not Countersunk)
           light duty rope ring carries
           a working load limit of
                                                                              Multi-Colors Rope Tie with
           400 lb and features a            Rope Ring                         Rope Tie with E-Clip -
                                                                              E-Clip. SCC Interior Van
           welded D-ring and a 14           Formed 1/8” steel pan             Straps are designed for use
           Ga steel clip.
                                            houses a ductile iron             inside van trailers equipped
           761163  B23  1.5 x 1.25 x 0.22 D-Ring W/Zinc CLP  $1.03  ring. 3 5/8” diameter   with E-Series track. When
                                            hole with 7/8” clearance          used properly they will
                                            below surface is required.        secure most loads from
           Forged Lash Ring                 Ultimate breaking strength: 5,000 lbs.  Safe   shifting or falling. All van straps  $3.69
                                            working load: 1,670 lbs. Zinc plated.
                                                                                         2” x 6”
           w/ Mount                         761112  B801A  Heavy Duty Recessed Rope Ring  $4.80
           Forged from C-1045               Wall D-Ring                       E-Track D-Ring
           steel. 3/4” diameter ring                                          2inch 6,000lbs E-Track D-Ring-
           is supplied with forged          Surface Mounted                   Tie-Off Ring has a 6,000lbs
           mounting bracket. Bracket        Rope Ring. Weight                 capacity (Safe working limit:
           is 2-1/4” wide and 3/8” thick.   .26 lbs.                          200lbs). Works with the E-Track
           Ultimate Breaking Strength:                                        Tie-Down System by Erickong
           26,500 lbs. Safe Working Load: 9,120 lbs.                          Manufacturing.
           590018 B46  3/4” x 4-1/2” x 4-1/2”  $14.57  590012 B701SM  Surface Mounted D- Ring  $2.07  761126  01090  E-Track D-Ring 2in 6,000lbs  $6.48
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