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P. 517


              EPDM RV Sealant                  SikaSil GP                       SikaFlex 505

              A premium, one-component, self-  SikaSil silicone is an acetoxy-curing   Sikaflex-505 UV is a one-component
              leveling sealant designed for use in   low modulus sealant used for   silane terminated polymer (STP)
              horizontal applications on an RV.   general seam sealing in interior and   sealant containing no solvents or
              Provides a durable fix for RV EPDM   exterior applications. It has excellent   isocyanates with excellent UV and
              roofs without damaging or swelling   adhesion to metals, glass, plastics &   weathering resistance.  Sikaflex-505   SECTION 15
              the white EPDM membrane. Has     fiberglass.  SikaSil GP has excellent   UV offers 60 minute tack free time
              excellent expansion and contraction   weather stability, is solvent free and is   with excellent adhesion to a wide
              properties to withstand joint movement   mold & mildew resistant. Elongation of 570%,   variety of substrates with little or no
              and temperature change.          300 psi tensile strength, 25 minute tack time   surface treatment, has excellent tooling
                                               and a joint movement accommodation   characteristics and non yellowing.
              420034 GC57101 ADVANCED SL EPDM White 10 Oz  $11.71  factor of +/-25%, Highly UV resistant.
              420036 GC56101 ADVANCED EPDM White 10 Oz  $17.93
                                                                                     WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive
                                                     WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   Harm -
                                               Harm -
                                                                                500616 017-415763 Sikaflex 505 UV White 300 ML Cart $17.32
                                               500617 017-189150 Sikasil GP Clear Silicone 295 ML Cart $13.35
                                               500618 017-189151 Sikasil GP White Silicone 295 ML Cart $14.14

              SikaSil ’N Plus                  SikaFlex 715

              Sikasil®-N Plus is a general purpose,   Sika has dedicated considerable
              neutral cure silicone sealant used   resources in developing a roof
              for interior and exterior applications.   sealant for EPDM roof membrane.
              It delivers excellent adhesion to   The result is a novel solution in RV                             CLEANERS & SEALANTS
              most substrates without surface   roof sealing! Sikaflex-715, is a cross-  Silicone Rubberized
              treatments. Sikasil® N-Plus is highly   linking “chemical curing flexible,
              UV resistant with excellent weather   This curing process imparts a highly elastic  Roof & Flashing Sealant
                                               elastic, and durable roof sealant”.
              stability and is mold and mildew resistant.
              Offers excellent sealing joint flexibility   internal strength not found in traditional RV
              for dynamic moving parts. Elongation   roof sealant products. Bonds to a variety   Kool Seal® Silicone Rubberized
              of 430%, 300 psi tensile strength and 30   of roofing component substrates. Unlike   Roof and Flashing Sealant is a single-
              minute tack free time.           other roofing sealants, Sikaflex-715 has   component, flashing grade silicone
                                               very low VOC’s and won’t crack under the   sealant that is permanently flexible.
                    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   most extreme conditions! Traditional roof   It is a durable, weather resistant seal
              Harm -   sealants have high shrink characteristics and   that provides excellent adhesion to
                                                                                a variety of substrates. Drying Time—
              500627 017-412406 Sikasil ’N Plus Clear 10 Oz  $10.41  crack when exposed to the environment.   Tack Free: 30 minutes; Cure Time: 24
              500628 017-415697 Sikasil ’N Plus Aluminum Gray 10 Oz $10.43  Sikaflex-715 provides peace of mind!  hours; Topcoat: 24 hours. Application
              500629 017-412136 Sikasil ’N Plus White 10 Oz  $9.85              Temp: 35°F to 160°F; Service Temp:
                                                    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   -60°F to 300°F.
                                               Harm -
                                                                                410321  KS008400-01  10 fl oz Cartridge White  $11.91
                                               500622 017-187690 Sikaflex White 300 ML  $15.58

                                               SikaFlex 221
              SikaSil WS-290                   This fast curing product provides

              Sikasil WS-290 is a one-part, neutral-  permanent elastic adhesion to a
              curing, ultra low-modulus silicone   number of surfaces with excellent cut                            PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
              sealant that cures to a durable,   and tear resistance. Designed to resist
              flexible building sealant. Sikasil WS-  the shock and abuse encountered
              290 performs exceptionally well   over countless road miles. Maintains   NuFlex 311 Self-
              under dynamic conditions due to its   its strength and adhesion over the
              ultra-low modulus, high extension/  long haul. Weather resistant, sandable,
              compression, recovery properties   paintable and NSF approved for potable   Leveling Sealant
              and strong adhesion to most building   water and incidental food contact.
              materials. Sikasil WS-290 accommodates                            Bonds to most EPDM materials
              long-term movement of 100-50% in       WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   (always test before use), most vinyls,
              properly designed joints and is particularly   Harm -  aluminum, steel, and fiberglass.
              well suited for use in exterior Insulation.  500610 017-90892 Sikaflex 221 Alum Gray 300 ML Cart $12.37  Features: Self-leveling, excellent adhesion,
                                               500611 017-90893 Sikaflex 221 Black 300 ML Cart  $12.37  low odour, 100% silicone, neutral cure.
                    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive      Sikaflex 221 Colonial White   Contains a bonding agent which reduces    SPECIAL ORDER
              Harm -   500613 017-106449  300 ML Cart  $12.89  need for primers.
              500630 017-412128 Sikasil Black 10 Oz  $19.53  500615 017-90891 Sikaflex 221 White 300 ML Cart  $12.37  410320 95502-C NuFlex 311 Silicone 10.1 fl oz White  $14.75
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