Page 589 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 589

PEX FITTINGS                                                             587

              Reducing                         Female                           Union Connectors

              Tee                              Connector                        35 Series products                 SECTION 16
                                                                                are manufactured
              Reducing Tees                                                     in polysulfone and
                                                                                certified to NSF-61,
              602368 81902275  3/4” CTS x 1/2” CTS BULK  $15.13                 NSF-14, CSA B137.5,
              602369 81902274  1/2” CTS x 1/4” OD BULK  $13.51  602383 0959790  3/8” CTS x 1/2” NPS  $6.98  ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c and
                                                                                recognized by the Uniform Plumbing
                                                                                Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100psi (82°C @ 6.8
                                                                                bar) 75°F @ 250psi (24°C @ 17.25 bar)
              Union Elbow                                                       602350 81902916  3/4” CTS BULK  $8.36

              35 Series products               Stackable Hose                   602493 81902914  1/2” CTS RETAIL PKG  $9.85
              are manufactured
              in polysulfone and                                                35 Series
              certified to NSF-61,             Barb Elbow
              NSF-14, CSA B137.5, ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c                        Reducing Union
              and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing   35 Series products
              Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100-PSI (82°C @ 6.8   are manufactured
              bar) 75°F @ 250-PSI (24°C @ 17.25 bar).  in polysulfone and       35 Series products                  FRESH WATER
                                                                                are manufactured
              602346 81902936  3/4” CTS RETAIL PKG  $8.33  certified to NSF-61, NSF-  in polysulfone and
              602389 0959087  1/2 “ CTS RETAIL PKG  $8.89  14, CSA B137.5, ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c   certified to NSF-
                                               and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing
                                               Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100-PSI (82°C @ 6.8   61, NSF-14, CSA B137.5,
                                                                                ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c
              Female Swivel Elbow              bar) 75°F @ 250-PSI (24°C @ 17.25 bar).  $5.01  and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing
                                                          1/2” CTS RETAIL PKG
                                               602372 81902902
                                                                                Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100psi (82°C @ 6.8
              35 Series products                                                bar) 75°F @ 250psi (24°C @ 17.25 bar)
              are manufactured                                                              BULK SETS
              in polysulfone                                                    602494 81902924  1/2” CTS X 1/4” OD  $8.89
              and certified to                                                              RETAIL PKG
              NSF-61, NSF-14,
              CSA B137.5, ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c                                602364 81902255  1/2” CTS X 3/8” CTS  $7.32
              and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing   Stackable Elbow          602440 81902926  3/4” CTS X 1/2” CTS  $7.88
              Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100-PSI (82°C @ 6.8
              bar) 75°F @ 250-PSI (24°C @ 17.25 bar).  35 Series products are
                                               manufactured in                  24 Series
                          BULK SETS            polysulfone and
              602384 81902952  1/2” CTS x 1/2” NPS  $10.15  certified to NSF-   Reducing Union
              602385 81902265  3/8” CTS X 1/2” FNPS  $6.24  61, NSF-14, CSA
                          RETAIL PKG           B137.5, ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c   24 Series fittings are
                                               and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing
              602498 81902952  1/2” CTS x 1/2” NPS  $9.74  Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100-PSI (82°C @ 6.8   manufactured
                           Large Diameter 1/2” CTS X   bar) 75°F @ 250-PSI (24°C @ 17.25 bar).  from acetal
              602339 3520-1012           $14.49                                 for general
                           3/4” NPS
                           Female Swivel Elbow 1/2” CTS    BULK SETS            plumbing use.
              602340 3520-1013            $7.91                                 These fittings
                           X 3/4” Closet       602356 81902260  3/8” CTS   $4.05  interconnect with Sea Tech’s
                           Female Swivel Elbow 1/2” CTS   602357 81902261  1/2” CTS  $7.24
              602341 3520-1014            $8.89                                 35 Series connections. Rated:
                           X 3/4” FGHT                     RETAIL PKG           140°F @ 100psi (60°C @ 6.8 bar) 75°F @
                                               602349 81902943  3/4” CTS   $6.18  250psi (24°C @ 17.25 bar)
                                               602496 81902941  1/2” CTS   $6.47  602365 81902204  1/2” CTS x 3/8” CTS BULK  $8.31  PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
              Male Elbow                                                        602489 81902789  1/2” CTS X 3/8” CTS RETAIL PKG  $10.30
              Sea Tech® Connectors
              utilize a swivel                                                  Stackable Hose
              nut with NPS
              straight threads                                                  Barb Union
              and a cone                       Drop Ear
              seal, allowing                                                    35 Series products are
              you to thread onto NPT, NPS, BSP,   Elbow                         manufactured in polysulfone
              and most other threads without tools                              and certified to NSF-61, NSF-14,
              or sealant. Simply hand-tighten for a   1/2” CTS X 1/2” FNPT      CSA B137.5, ASTM F877, IGC 188-04c
              zero-leak seal. Manufactured from high-  Drop Ear Elbow.          and recognized by the Uniform Plumbing
              performance thermal plastic. Uses EPDM   35 Series High           Code. Rated: 180°F @ 100-PSI (82°C @ 6.8    SPECIAL ORDER
              ring. Max pressure is 100 PSI.   Performance Thermal Plastic.     bar) 75°F @ 250-PSI (24°C @ 17.25 bar).
              602497 81902948  1/2” CTS x 1/2” NPT BULK  $7.24  602358 81902270  1/2” CTS RETAIL PKG  $8.96  602371 81902245  1/2” CTS x 1/2” HB RETAIL PKG  $2.86
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