Page 637 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 637


              Metal Waste                      Gate Valve                       Flexible Cable Kit

              Body Valve                       Seal - Bulk                      Allows for valve
                                                                                placement in
                                               Replacement valve seals          protected locations.
              Fits Bladex™, Valterra, Bristol and   fits Valterra old style valves.  Valve handle can
              Anonda valves. Includes seals,   601410  T1001-7  Valve Seal  1-1/2”  Bulk  $1.46  be placed for easy   SECTION 17
              nuts and bolts.                                                   access. Folding
                                               601415  T1002-7  Valve Seal  2”  Bulk  $1.83
                          Bladex® Waste Valve Body                              handle for easy bulk
              601001 T1001VPM            $16.88  601030 T1003-7  Valve Seal  3”  Bulk  $2.21  head installation. Stainless Steel inner wire
                          1-1/2” Metal Handle  Carded
              601011  T1002VPM  Bladex® Waste Valve Body  2”   $19.39           601019 TC172 Flexible Cable Kit  72”  w/1-1/2” Valve  Boxed $88.24
                          Metal Handle  Carded                                  601018 TC372 Flexible Cable Kit  72”  w/3” Valve  Boxed $97.15
                          Bladex® Waste Valve Body  3”
              601017  T1003VPM           $19.80
                          Metal Handle  Carded

              Waste Valve                      Waste Valve                      Flexible Cable
              Replacement black water tank waste valve. Two-Seal Kit

              600072 39513  3” Waste Valve  $22.88  Replacement valve seals fits   • Allows for valve              SANITATION
                                               Valterra old style valves.        placement in
                                                                                 protected locations
                                               601332 T1003-7VP  Valve Seals  3” w/Hardware 2 Carded $7.36  • Valve handle can be
                                                                                 placed for easy access
                                                                                • Folding handle for easy bulk head installation
              Anonda                                                            • Stainless Steel inner wire  $42.02
                                                                                601081 TC72PB Flexible Cable Replacement  72”
              Gate Valve                                                        601090 TC96PB Flexible Cable Replacement  96”  $48.23
                                                                                601099 TC144
                                                                                          Flexible Cable Replacement  144”
              Two seals for positive protection from
              lubricating non absorbing paddle. Valves  Bladex Seals
              leaks. Stainless steel shaft. Smooth self
              600070 39241 1-1/2” Valve w/Nuts  Bolts  Seals - Carded $12.75 w/Hardware  Gate Valve
              are made with tough, long lasting ABS.
              600115  39240 3” Valve w/Nuts  Bolts  Seals - Carded $17.13  Replacement valve seals fits
                                               Valterra old style valves.       Handle
                                                          Bladex® Valve Seals  1-1/2” w/  $5.18  Threaded for easy
                                               601333 T1001-9VP
              Dump Valve                                  Hardware 2 carded     attachment. Fits Bladex™ or
                                                          Bladex® Valve Seals  2” w/
                                               601334 T1002-9VP
                                                          Hardware 2 carded  $5.85  Valterra old style valves
              Basic Valve, Flat top for direct            Bladex® Valve Seals  3” w/  $7.41  601025 T1003-6VP Valve Handle  Plastic  Carded  $3.18
              mount “O” Ring connection on     601339 T1003-9VP  Hardware 2 carded
              bottom. 1-pk.
              650535 08707  3” Toilet Dump Valve  $65.21
                                                                                Bladex Plastic
              Gate Valve                                                        Valve Handle

              This is a complete                                                Plastic gate valve replacement
              replacement for old Thetford     Cable Waste Valves               handle fits Bladex™ or             PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
              waste dump valves. It has a                                       Valterra old style valves
              flat-top for direct mount to a   Termination valve. Solid-core,
              Thetford tank flange.            micro-polished silicone          601022 T1003-6NVP Bladex® Valve Handle  Plastic  Carded $3.21
                                               lubricated steel cable
              650537 08709  Gate Valve 1” Flange  $73.09  reduces the force required
              650527 08669  Gate Valve 3” Flange  $78.63  to open and close. Larger
                                               diameter cable fits snug inside
                                               the self-lubricated sheathing to   Bladex Metal
              Gate Valve                       make pulling easier and ensure the   Valve Handle
                                               tightest paddle seal. Exceeds up to
                                               300 lbs of force without breaking. Valve
              w/Slip Socket                    seals are Teflon coated.         • Fits Bladex® or Valterra® old
                                               660390 66N11AB72GM 1-1/2” HxS Valve w/72” Cable $134.58
                                               600096 66N11AB96GM 1-1/2” HxS Valve w/96” Cable  $98.48  style valves   SPECIAL ORDER
                                               600198 66N4AB48GM 3” HxS Valve w/48” Cable  $99.17  • Thread size is 1/4 x 20
              600073 08671 Toilet Dump Valve w/3” Slip Socket  $69.53  660389 66N4AB72GM 3” HxS Valve w/72” Cable  $99.16  601349 T1003-6MNVP Bladex® Valve Handle  Metal  Carded $6.21
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