Page 643 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 643

              Fernco Coupling                  PVC Pipe                         Pipe Cleaner

              Fernco 3” x 3” Socket
              Coupling Fitting Features:       Durable, white PVC pipe. Available in two   All-purpose pipe cleaner
              flexible, socket to pipe         sizes at 10’ lengths.            designed to thoroughly clean pipes. Can
              connection, made of tough        600405 61P5010  1-1/2” Sch-40 10’ White  $9.69  be used on ABS, CPVC, and PVC pipe and
              elastomeric polyvinyl chloride.                                   fittings. Apply at temperatures from
                                                                                40 degrees to 100 degrees fahrenheit.  SECTION 17
              602600 01711056150 1-1/2”   $7.94                                                            $14.70
              602605 0171105633 3” x 3”   $11.17                                420160 019130-12  32 oz Clear Pipe Cleaner
                                               PVC Street
              Fernco Reducing                  Elbow                            Harvey Seal

              Coupling                         PVC 3” 45 degree street elbow SCH40. $2.67  A white thread lubricant and
                                                          3” - 45 Degree
                                                                                sealant made with PTFE. Brushable
              Fernco reducing coupling                                          paste dries slowly, is non hardening, and
                                                                                withstands up to 3,000 PSI on gases at temps
              602610 1056-43  4” X 3”    $14.54                                 from -50°F. to +500°F. Apply to metals: PVC,
                                               PVC 90°                          CPVC, ABS, polypropylene, and nylon.  $7.40
                                                                                           Harvey Seal 4 oz
                                                                                600370 025020
              Flexible Coupler                 Street Elbow                                                        SANITATION
              • Convert RV flexible drain      PVC elbow 90 degree street 3”.
               hose system to a rigid pipe     601620 674807LTT LG/Turn 3”  $4.09 ABS Cement
               connection                      601625 674807T  90-Degree STD 3”
              • Includes hose clamp at each                                     ABS Tank Fill Kit is
               end                                                              tasteless, odorless and
              • Couples standard 3” schedule 40 ABS pipe                        non-toxic. It will never rust or corrode and is
              • Inner diameter: 3-1/2” x 3-1/2”  $11.97 PVC 90° Elbow           algae free. One-piece extruded construction
              650402 F02-2103  Flexible Coupler  3”                             eliminates the possibility of leakage.
                                               PVC elbow 90 degree. STD. 1 1/2”.  400016 A05-0303 ABS Solvent Cement 773 - 1/4 Pint  $12.00
                                                                                           ABS Tank Fill Kit w/Solvent Cream 773
                                               601640 674807P  1-1/2”      $1.60  600982 RK908  (1/4 Pint) & Straight Barbed Elbow  $16.95
              Reducer Coupler

              • Used to convert from an RV flexible drain   PVC Adapter
               hose system to a rigid pipe connection to the                    ABS Cement
               sewer. Includes a hose clamp at each end
              • Couples thin walled 3” pipe with 3” schedule   601585 0410138389802 3” Adapter Male  $4.84  A-6 Black ABS Cement is a
               40 ABS pipe                                                      medium bodied, medium set,
              • I.D.: 3-1/2” x 3”                                               ABS solvent cement designed for use on non-
              650242 F02-2104  Flexible Reducer Coupler  3”  $11.92             pressure ABS pipe and fittings: Schedule 40,
                                               PVC Cleanout Adapter             Types I and II, up to 6”. Apply at temperatures
                                                                                40°F. to 100°F. NSF certified and UPC listed.
              Compression                      3” Clean Out Adapter             Meets requirements of ASTM D-2235.  $8.04
                                               PVC SCH 40.
                                                                                400010 018500-24 Cement ABS 4 OZ
                                                                                           Cement ABS 8 OZ
                                                                                400015 018510-24
              Donut Seal                                                        400020 018520-12  Cement ABS 16 OZ  $20.56
              Made of elastomeric PVC, is corrosion-  602266 6748032T  3” C.O. Adapter PVC SCH 40  $9.02  400025 018530-12  Cement ABS 32 OZ
              proof and is unaffected by acid or alkali.
              602613 017133U305 3” x 3” PVC  $20.24                                                                PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                               Cleanout Plug                    All-Purpose Cement

              PVC Coupling                     3” cleanout plug PVC             All-Purpose Cement is a
                                               SCH 40.
                                                                                multipurpose - medium bodied
                                                                                cement designed for use on PVC,
              601630 673001  1-1/2”       $1.48  602267 674818T  3” Cleanout Plug PVC SCH 40  $1.91  CPVC, and ABS pipe and fittings:
                                                                                Schedule 40 and 80, Types I II,
                                                                                up to 6 inch. For potable water,
                                                                                pressure pipe, gas, conduit, drain waste, and
                                                                                vent pipe. Apply at temperatures 40 degrees
              PVC Coupling                     Plumber Strap                    to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.  $8.12

              3-in Diameter PVC coupling fitting.  610307 76PS9  3/4” x 10’ Roll - 28 Gauge  $4.88  400030 018000-24 Cement All Purpose 4 OZ  $9.93   SPECIAL ORDER
                                                                                           Cement All Purpose 8 OZ
                                                                                400035 018010-24
              601575 0416538389802 PVC Coupling 3”  $4.24  680900 76PS-10 3/4” x 100’ Plumber Strap Galvanized $20.60  400040 018020-12  Cement All Purpose 16 OZ  $18.95
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