Page 661 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 661

              5th Wheel Weld-On                5th Wheel                        Ultra 5th Wheel

              Welds onto 5th-wheel trailer’s
              frame to provide mounting        Pull Pins                        Quick Pin
              points for tandem landing
              gear.  Allows you to transfer    Pull Pins for Fifth Wheel        Bolts on permanently. Easy
              landing gear to a new trailer.    Landing Gear 3/8”               to use. Quickly adjusts landing
              Designed for use with Stromberg Carlson     Pull Pins For Fifth Wheel   $63.38  gear legs. Heavy duty zinc plated steel   SECTION 18
              LG-1 or LG-183708 landing gear. Also works   760134 LG-119113  Landing Gear - 3/8”  construction. Installs in minutes.
              with most other brands of landing gear,                           730892 17-943031  3/8” Ultra Quick Pins 2Pk  $55.10
              including Atwood and Lippert.  Constructed
              of heavy-duty steel. Includes 2 mounting                          730893 17-943032  7/16” Ultra Quick Pins 2Pk  $55.10
              brackets. 2” long x 3-1/2” wide x 4-1/2” tall.
              760147 LG-BRACKETS Weld-On Fifth Wheel Brackets $40.65
                                               5th Wheel Snaps
              Landing Gear Foot                Hook-up or unhook

                                               your 5th wheel in less
              Replaces 1 foot pad and          than 2 minutes with
              1 pin for your tandem            these spring-loaded              Gooseneck FASTJACK
              landing gear. Designed           pins. Standard snaps
              for use with Stromberg Carlson   fit 2-1/4” square                Adapter
              LG-1 or LG-183708 landing gear. Also works   inner legs with 7/16”
              with most other brands of landing gear,   diameter holes.         Convert the TriPod
              including Atwood and Lippert. Constructed                         FASTJACK to work with
              of heavy-duty steel. 8” long x 5” wide x 2” tall.  730895 19330  5th Wheel Snaps 3/8” Pin w/   $70.58  gooseneck trailers or 5th
              760141  LG-119225 Landing Gear Foot & Pin (Rectangle) $15.22  7/16” Hole  wheels with gooseneck
                                                                                converters. Replicates the 2
                                                                                5/16” ball and slips into the gooseneck hitch   JACKS,COUPLERS & LEVELERS
              Foot Pad                                                          allowing the TriPod FASTJACK to fasten to
                                                                                the trailer. Works on the 25066 Weekender
              Mount this extra-large foot                                       and 21100000 Full-Timer FASTJACKS.
              pad on your stabilizing jack                                           WARNING: Cancer & Reproductive
              to help prevent sinking and achieve a   5th Wheel Snaps Fit       Harm.
              more stable setup. Solid steel construction
              supports up to 6,000-lbs.  Extra-large   Spring-loaded pins that permit   760301 25067  Gooseneck FastJack Adapter  $19.19
              footplate helps to prevent sinking.  Replaces   you to hook-up or unhook
              existing jack foot.  Greater surface area   your 5th wheel rig in less
              than standard footpads provides increased   than 2 minutes. Now
              stability.  Perfect for most stabilizer jacks and   you can engage and
              landing gear used on 5th-wheel trailers and   disengage the heavy duty
              RVs.  Durable, 7-gauge steel construction,   pin with one hand. Fits
              reinforced edges will not bend.  2-1/4” square legs with 1/2” holes.  Bolt-on
                                               installation, 1 pair heavy duty.
                          Footplate For Landing Gear &
              760073 17-940006  Stabilizer Jacks - 8” x 5-3/4”  $29.90  730896 26810  HD Snaps 1/2”  $68.31  FASTJACK Stabilizer
              Large Adjustable                                                  The TriPod FASTJACK

              Foot Pad                                                          is the lightest kin
                                                                                pin stabilizer on the
              Mount this extra-large           5th Wheel Snaps                  market offering full
              foot pad on your                                                  adjustability on each of the
              stabilizing jack to help prevent   Lightweight                    three legs. The TriPod FASTJACK slips   PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
              sinking and achieve a more stable setup.                          on to the trailer’s pin to help support the
              Threaded attachment point lets you fine-tune                      FASTJACK and uses gravity to assist in
              height. Supports up to 6,000 lbs. Extra-large   Snaps Lite are spring   setup. No need to worry about uneven
              footplate helps to prevent sinking, replaces   loaded pins that permit   ground while setting up as each leg
              existing jack foot. Greater surface area than   you to hook-up or un-  independently adjusts to the ground
              standard footpads provides increased stability.   hook your 5th Wheel   using the integrated ratchet system. Apply
              Adjustable design allows you to fine-tune   in less than two minutes. Engage and   tension as needed and enjoy maximum
              height. Threaded bolt lets you raise or lower   disengage the heavy-duty steel pin with   stabilization. No Assembly required—Ready
              foot to achieve perfect height, great for   one hand. Comes in two sizes: 3/8” pin   to use straight out of the box. Ajustable
              leveling. Perfect for most stabilizer jacks and   diameter for 7/16” diameter holes and 7/16”   from 40 to 60 inches. Lightweight—19 lbs.
              landing gear used on 5th-wheel trailers and   pin diameter for 1/2” diameter holes. They   Limited One-Year Warranty.
              RVs. Durable, 7-gauge steel construction.   fit 2-1/2” Square 5th Wheel Legs. Lifetime
              Reinforced edges will not bend.  unconditional guarantee, sold as pair.     WARNING: Cancer & Reproductive    SPECIAL ORDER
                         Adjustable Footplate For Landing   730897 31857  Snaps Lite 3/8” Diameter Pin  $39.12  Harm.
              760098 17-940007           $44.53
                         Gear & Stabilizer Jacks - 8” x 5-3/4”  730898 31861  Snaps Lite 7/16” Diameter Pin  $44.27  760393 25066 TriPod FASTJACK KingPin Stabilizer  $199.11
   656   657   658   659   660   661   662   663   664   665   666