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P. 716
Primus IQ Brake Con-
P3 Brake Control
The Tekonsha P3
is a breakthrough
Innovative trailer braking solutions
brake controls,
For over 25 years, Tekonsha has been delivering the most reliable and trusted Proportional Trailer Brake Controls
offering a system
on the market. Proporti
that is smooth onal Technology that senses the type of braking even and applies appropriate power to the
trailer brakes.
and proportional
A totally
with a multi-functioning LCD display
featuring the most advanced easy to use
FEATURES electric trailer P3 ®
diagnostics. P3’s convenient features
brake control,
Digital LCD display with complete diagnostics readout 1-4 braking axles
include a dash-hugging design, unique
the new Primus IQ is self-leveling so no
Why spend time looking for instructions to determine what the flashing Arrow # 730587
easy-to-use clip-mounting system, quick
level adjustment is necessary. Utilizing the
disconnect for a safe storage when not in
means? The digital display allows for real time, comprehensive Mfg. # 90195
primary sensor technology from Prodigy
use and the original “boost” feature that
diagnostics. the Primus IQ now includes the “Boost” $306.80
allows the driver to increase the initial
power delivered to the trailer brakes.
feature that gives users the ability to apply
more initial trailer braking when towing
OEM brake controls rely on a dashboard display or trailer brake control
Including a range of diagnostic features,
heavier trailers. It works proportionally in
display for their own warning indicators or changes in trailer braking.
a pre-assembled wiring harness and a
reverse for backing into tough spots and
limited lifetime warranty, the P3 is for 2, 4,
Why wouldn’t you? includes a snap-in dash mounting clip Prodigy P2
6 and 8 brake trailers.
and removable electrical connector that 1-4 braking axles
730587 90195 P3 Brake Control $306.80 Arrow # 240885
allows the unit to be quickly stored when
Proportional braking not in use. You will appreciate the digital
readout depicting a secure electrical
Fully tested for a smooth highway, in-city or off-road experience. Mfg. # 90885
connection, amount of voltage delivery to
No need to switch to a manual mode! $262.91
the trailer brakes and diagnostic features
Prodigy P2 Brake Primus IQ Brake Control $169.64 Mounting Bracket
739160 90160
Manual override Arrow # 240121
Unlike a push knob for manual override, Tekonsha incorporates a variable Mfg. # 7685 $8.82
override. This feature manually gives your brakes a little or a lot of
Designed for use
stopping power depending on your needs. Voyager Brake Con-
with electric over
hydraulic braking ®
systems. 360 Primus IQ
“Boost” feature trol 1-3 braking axles
Degree mounting
Provides your trailer brakes with more initial power. Arrow # 739160
Reverse polarity
protection. The Voyager Mfg. # 90160
Trailer back-up override feature.
“Plug & Play” feature incorporates $169.64
No level adjustment necessary -
Provides you with quick and easy connections.
adjusts itself to varying terrain as
SPECIAL ORDER Ease of installation and removal Voyager ®
you drive. Produces stops that
are in proportion to vehicle’s
deceleration rate. “Boost” feature
and is the
By simply mounting the pocket mount bracket to your dash, you
gives users the ability to apply more initial
best value you’ll find for smooth and
trailer braking power. Handles up to 8
can easily remove your brake control for storage or use in another
secure trailer braking. It’s compact size
vehicle. Includes mounting bracket, hardware and pigtail harness kit. 1-4 braking axles
Metal Mounting Bracket
and features, like a bi-colored LED brake
Arrow # 730573
monitor make the Voyager extremely
240885 90885 Prodigy “P2” Brake Control $262.91
versatile. The LED monitor assures a Mfg. # 9030
Storable settings complete connection to trailer brakes $137.09
and gives an indication of relative braking
Allows you to store up to 5 different settings giving personalized
power being applied. The Voyager
preferences at the push of a button for multiple users and/or multiple
minimizes interference with tow vehicle
electrical systems, uses a four-wire hook
trailers (available on Prodigy P3).
up, has a broad setting range and is
compatible with most any vehicle. The Brake-EVN ®
Limited lifetime warranty Voyager is covered by a three year “No- 1-4 braking axles
On all digital, proportional brake controls. Voyager Control $137.09 Arrow # SO
730573 9030
Mfg. # 8508220
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