Page 745 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 745


              Hose & Elbow                     Straight Hose                    Front Valve Extenders

                                               w/Mount                          Solid nickel plated
                                                                                brass valve
                                               Tire inflation hose. This heavy duty inflator   are angled to
                          Stainless Steel 9 1/2” Hose w/  is constructed of high quality two ply   allow easier
              730189 89021               $19.85                                                                    SECTION 21
                          Elbow Single         rubber tubing reinforced with a tough nylon   access to front
                                               braiding and a stainless braided hose wrap.  tire valve stems
                                                                                on most vehicles.  Can
                                               730190 89020  Stainless Steel - 13”  $21.42
                                                                                be used on plain wheels or with most
                                                                                stainless wheel simulators. 2-Pack.
                                                                                720691 AG-45C  Outer Dual Extender  $9.84
              2” Valve Extender                Dual Tire Inflators

              Enjoy easy access to your        For Stainless Steel
              hard-to-reach front and rear
              valve stems. They extend         Wheel Liners                     Stainless Wheel Cover
              your standard valves almost
              two inches. These extenders      Safe travel begins with safe tires,   Enhances the
              make checking and inflating      which means regularly checking   appearance of
              your dual tires easy. Includes two   tire pressure. Properly inflated tires   any vehicle.
              extenders and two caps per package.                               The durability
                                               improve gas mileage, increase
              730171  80292  2” Straight Valve Extender - 2Pk $15.55  safety, increase tire life and   of 304L
                                               improve vehicle handling. Easy to   stainless steel                 WHEELS & BRAKES
                                               install, no special tools required,   virtually eliminates
                                               the hoses attach to your existing   rust or staining and provides long
                                                                                lasting,maintenance free performance.
                                               valve stem (no need to remove
                                               valve core) allowing proper      Features a road proven attachment
                                               inflation and pressure checks in seconds.  system. Used by more RV manufactures
                                                                                than all other brands. Installation is quick
              4” Valve Extender                730167 8002 2-Hose Kit SS 16 - 19.5-Hub Mount  $43.35  and easy. Includes attachment hardware.
                                               730168 8001 4-Hose Kit SS 16 - 19.5-Hub Mount
                                                                                Will not fit Budd Wheels or Split Rims.
              Enjoy easy access to                                              720619 SHFM16  16” Single Wheel Cover 8-Lug  $104.42
              your hard-to-reach front
              and rear valve stems.
              45-degree and 90-degree          Wheel Cover
              nickel plated brass valve
              extenders are angled to lengthen
              your front wheel valves. They    Mount Dual
              extend your standard valves almost                                VERSA-LOK®
              two inches. 135-degree and 180-degree   Tire Inflators
              nickel plated brass valve extenders are                           ABS Hub Covers
              angled to reverse your outer dual tire valves   Two ply rubber tubing with
              through the opening in the wheel for easy   reinforced nylon braiding.  Update your trailer’s
              access. These extenders make checking                             appearance
              and inflating your dual tires easy. Includes   730166 8008 4-Hose Kit RB 16 - 19.5-Lug Cover Mount $67.16  with the best
              two extenders and two caps per package.  730150 8007 2-Hose Kit For 16 - 19.5” Inner Dual Wheels $25.17  retention system
              730170 80294  4” Straight Valve Extender - 2Pk $21.53  730165 8003 4-Hose Kit RB 16 - 19.5-Hub Mount  $53.98  ABS  Hub Covers
                                               730169 8006 Wheel Master Hoses - 2/Set  $28.93  on the market
                                                                                today! The Versa-Lok®
                                                                                patented locking system,
                                                                                locks onto the wheel with a simple twist,
                                               Valve Extenders                  allowing easy  access to your trailer wheel   PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                                                                hubs without prying them off. No tools
              2-Hose kit & Hand                Enjoy easy                       necessary for installation or removal.  $12.69
                                               access to your
                                                                                720720 TAC545-CC 5-Lug 4.5” Chrome
                                               hard to reach
              Hole Mount Kit                   front and rear                   720725 TAC655-CC 6-Lug 5.5” Chrome  $19.95
                                                                                720730 TAC865-CB 8 Lug 6.5” Chrome Hub Covers
                                               valve stems.
              Valve extenders                  These durable, nickel
              for inner dual tires.            plated, brass Valve Extenders are
              Improves tire                    angled to lengthen your front or rear tire
              life, handling,                  valves. These extenders make checking
                                               and inflating your dual tires easy. Available
              driving safety and                                                Wheel
              gas mileage. Easy                in 45°, 90°, 135°, and 180° angles.
              to install, inflate tires and    730194 8029180 180° Extender (For Aluminum Wheels) $21.41
              monitor pressure.                730163 8029135 135° Valve Extender (For Stud Wheels) $21.59  Nut Cover   SPECIAL ORDER
                          Stainless Steel - 2-Hose Kit, 16”   730191  802990 90° Valve Extender  $13.36
              730195 8009                 $37.23
                          - 19.5” Inner Dual Wheels  730188 8029  45° Valve Extender  $13.36  781117  016-046-00 Covers Black Bulk  $1.05
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