Page 789 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 789
Sway Control Sway Control Adapter LOCAL RV DEALER
Bolts together--eliminates
welding and prevents
damage during
installation to
wiring enclosed
in framework. For SECTION 22
use with 2 x 3 inch
“A-frame” trailers.
Works on right or left side. Not
Minimizes sway caused by passing trucks for use on trailers with surge brakes.
and sudden wind gusts. Double friction
disc brake principle provides constant WARNING: This product can expose
sway abatement. Attaches with easy you to chemicals including lead, which
socket and spring connectors. Removes is known to the State of California to
for easy storage. Not for use on trailers cause cancer and birth defects or other
with surge brakes. Trailers over 25 feet reproductive harm. For more information,
may requires two sway controls. Screw- go to
On Sway Control - right mounted
passenger side. 741016 48385 Sway Control Adapter 2” x 3” $45.03
WARNING: This product can expose
you to chemicals including lead, which Brake Buddy Stealth II
is known to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or other Installs out of
reproductive harm. For more information, sight in your HITCHES & TOWING
go to Brake Buddy Classic II vehicle. Connect
711540 48380 Deluxe Screw On RIght Hand $144.25 The lightest weight tow your RV with the
710541 48381 Deluxe Screw On Left Hand $144.25 brake system. Proportional All-In-One Adapter and be
710607 48390 Ball Mount Bar $26.16 breaking technology with on your way. Dual Controller
710595 48389 Self Tap Screw 6Pk $20.03 instant alerts. Size: 19”L x lets you control your settings from
11.75”W x 6.75”H. the comfort of the driver’s seat. Industry’s
only Dual Controller is so advanced it
applies brakes to either a vehicle or trailer
WARNING: at the touch of a button. Size: 19”L x
Sway Control Ball Plate This product can 11.75”W x 6.75H.
expose you to
chemicals including
Ball Plate for Trailer lead, which is known to the State of California WARNING: This product can expose
Tongue - Use this to cause cancer and birth defects or other you to chemicals including lead, which
trailer tongue reproductive harm. For more information, go is known to the State of California to
ball plate to cause cancer and birth defects or other
for most reproductive harm. For more information,
friction sway 770145 39494 Weight Tow Brake System $1,538.85 go to
control applications. 770147 39530 Weight Tow Brake System $1,475.46
It will work with EazLift, Husky, US Catalytic,
and others. 1 per package.
WARNING: This product can expose
you to chemicals including lead, which Brake Buddy Select II 5K LB Tow Bar
is known to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or other Features Dual-Mode Braking: Rated at 5,000 lbs GVW for
reproductive harm. For more information, The only portable auxiliary towing pick-
go to
braking system with the ups, cars and
710585 48388 Trailer Tongue Ball Plate $32.32 power to choose between multi-purpose
Proportional or Full vehicles. Designed for PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
Braking technology. universal fit, with adjustable arms
Greater control that extend from 26” to 41”. Includes
Sway Control Ball over the braking all zinc-plated hardware. The quick
disconnect pull pins allow easy removal
Adjustable from RV and the collapsing side arms afford trunk
1-1/4” ball diameter x 5/8” shaft and provides instant alerts from braking storage. This product is fully tested to SAE
diameter. unit. Size: 19”L x 11.75”W x 6.75”H. and V-5 criteria. A 2” ball is required.
WARNING: This product can WARNING: This product can expose WARNING: This product can expose
expose you to chemicals including you to chemicals including lead, which you to chemicals including lead, which
lead, which is known to the State of is known to the State of California to is known to the State of California to
California to cause cancer and birth defects cause cancer and birth defects or other cause cancer and birth defects or other
or other reproductive harm. For more reproductive harm. For more information, reproductive harm. For more information, SPECIAL ORDER
information, go to go to go to
710608 48404 Ball, Washer, Nut $22.40 770146 39524 Weight Tow Brake System $1,835.17 711545 48350 5,000 LB GVW Tow Bar Boxed $160.62