Page 811 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 811
Pintle Hook Mounts Pintle Hook w/Ball Bolt Kit
Continuous welds. Drop forged. Black powder Hardware bag kit G8(4)
Black powder coat coat finish. Forged steel EA HEX HD 1/-13 CAP
finish. High and low ball. Interchangeable SCR,NUT® 1/2 LK WAS
positioning. Welded support hitch balls. Drawbar eye
bracket. Solid shank. dimensions: 2 3/8” to 3” WARNING: This product contains
up to 1 9/16” diameter chemicals known to the State of California SECTION 22
WARNING: This product section. Capacity: 4,000 lbs to cause cancer and birth defects or other
contains chemicals known to the Maximum Vehicle Load and reproductive harm. For more information,
State of California to cause cancer and birth 20,000 lbs MGTW. go to
defects or other reproductive harm. For more 761139 8520 Bolt Kit - Pintle Hitch $7.17
information, go to WARNING: This product contains
Pintle Hook Mount 10”, 3 chemicals known to the State of California
710021 PM105 $67.85
Positions to cause cancer and birth defects or other
Pintle Hook Mount 9”, 4 reproductive harm. For more information,
710808 PM87 $59.95 go to
710668 BH102516 2-5/16” Ball $141.02
5-Ton Receiver Mount Drawbar
Pintle Hook Mount One-piece pintle One-piece forged HITCHES & TOWING
The strong, durable hook and shank design for safety
assembly fits 2
construction features inch receivers. and capacity.
continuous welds and Jaw latch mechanism Alloy steel forging,
a powder-coated finish for includes tethered latch pin. black powder coat finish. 4-hole square
corrosion resistance. It’s available Drawbar eye dimensions- 2” mounting plate.
with either a solid or tubular to 3” I.D. with 1-1/4” to1-5/8”
shank. The mount is designed for diameter section. M.V.L. 2,000 lbs. WARNING: This product contains
a maximum gross trailer weight of M.G.T.W. 10,000 lbs. chemicals known to the State of California
10,000 lb. to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm. For more information,
WARNING: This product contains
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California go to
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other 761181 BDB125015 Drawbar 2-1/2” ID - 4-Bolt, 21-Ton $113.06
to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, 710660 BDB1385 Drawbar 3” ID 4-Bolt, 30-Ton $147.06
reproductive harm. For more information, go to
go to
761167 RM5P 2” to 3” I.D. $92.77
Pintle Hook Mount 14.5”, 7
710815 PM1012 $107.24
Heavy Duty Pintle Hook
This heavy duty 20
Ton Pintle Hook is
Pintle Hook w/Ball made to mount on Cast Eye Coupler PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
commercial truck
8-Ton Combination Pintle Hook/ body hitch plates Ductile cast iron
Ball Hitch, 2 or 2-5/16” only. It cannot be used eye. Formed steel
Ball, 16000 lbs., with pintle mounts which channel. 3” I.D. eye.
Capacity: GTW 16000 install into receiver style 1-9/16” eye section.
lbs / TW 3000. lbs. hitches. 9/16 inch mounting Eye Capacity:
hardware required - sold separately. 2,000 lbs M.V.L.
WARNING: This product 14,000 lbs. M.G.T.W. Channel Capacity:
contains chemicals known WARNING: This product contains 12,000 lbs. M.G.T.W.
to the State of California to chemicals known to the State of California
cause cancer and birth defects or other to cause cancer and birth defects or other WARNING: This product contains
reproductive harm. For more information, reproductive harm. For more information, chemicals known to the State of California
go to go to to cause cancer and birth defects or other
710803 10050 2” Ball & Pintle Hook - 8 Ton $99.02 710811 PH15 Heavy Duty Pintle Hook, 15-Ton $91.62 reproductive harm. For more information, SPECIAL ORDER
go to
2-5/16” Ball & Pintle Hook 710807 PH20 Heavy Duty Pintle Hook, 20-Ton $98.84
710802 BH82516WMK $101.89
- 8 Ton 710809 PH45 Heavy Duty Pintle Hook, 45-Ton $294.67 761110 B16137 3” Eye, 7 Ton Capacity $42.95