Page 820 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 820

                                                                             Safety Chain
            Hook-Up Wire Clip               Eaz-Lift’s Anti-Rattle           The Class l safety chain
                                            Hitch Anti-Rattle Device

           Replacement Parts for
        SECTION 22  style weight            helps prevent hitch              2000-lbs.  The Class lll safety
                                                                             comes with an S-hook at
                                            Device for Hitches
           Adjustable Trunnion
                                                                             each end and has a GWR of
                                            movement and noise.
                                                                             chain comes with quick links on
                                            This provides a quieter,
                                                                             both ends and has a GWR of 5000-lbs.
                                            smoother ride. It is
                                            ideal for bike
           Wire Clip for 48029. Two clips per pack.
                                                                                   WARNING: This product can expose you
                                            racks, hitch racks,
                                                                             to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent
                                            cargo carriers, spare tire mounts, trailer
                 WARNING: This product can expose
           you to chemicals including lead, which
                                                                             of California to cause cancer and birth
                                            device is compatible with 2-inch shanks
           is known to the State of California to
                                                                             defects or other reproductive harm. For more
                                            and can be used with hitch classes 1, 2, 3
           cause cancer and birth defects or other   ball mounts and more. The anti-rattle   compounds), which is known to the State
                                                                             information, go to
           reproductive harm. For more information,   and 4. Product includes (1) wedge plate,
           go to    (1) U-bolt and (2) flanged lock nuts. The   700156 63035  Class lII Safety Chain - 72”  $41.82
                                            wedge plate is constructed of durable
            700045 48028  Hook-Up Wire Clip, 2 Pk  $5.55  powder-coated steel and the U-bolt is
                                            constructed of zinc-plated steel. Measures
                                            4-inches x 4-inches x 4 7/16-inches.
                                                                             Safety Chain
                                                  WARNING: This product can expose
                                            you to chemicals including lead, which
                                            is known to the State of California to   Heavy-duty
                                            cause cancer and birth defects or other   1/4” 5,000-lb
                                            reproductive harm. For more information,   rating and
                                            go to    5/16” 7,000 lb
                                                                             rating safety chains, with safety latch hook.
                                                        Hitch Anti-Rattle Device 4” x 4”   $15.47
            U-Bolt Kit                                  x 7/16”; Fits 2” Shanks     WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive
           U-Bolt Package                                                    Harm -  $15.83
           for Attaching Chain                                                    2117-604-04 1/4” x 54” w/Safety Latch Hook
           to Spring Bar (4 - Flat
           Washers 3/8”, 4 - Locknuts       CHAIN UP Safety
           3/8”-16 Grade 2 & 2 -
           U-bolts 3/8”).
                                            Chain Kit                        Safety Chains
                 WARNING: This product can expose you
           to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent   The best way        These class II &
           compounds), which is known to the State   to eliminate the        III trailer safety
           of California to cause cancer and birth   clanking, sparking and   chains are rated
           defects or other reproductive harm. For more   wear of dragging safety   up to 5,000
           information, go to  chains, the CHAIN UP ensures you’ll never   lb. and are
                                            have to twist your chains again, keeping   zinc-plated to
            740503 58032  U-Bolt Package  $13.84
                                            you and your trailer safer on the road.  withstand corrosion.
                                                        Safety Chain Holder For Single   $10.00  761117  B31648SC  48” Class II & III  Zinc Safety Chain $6.70
         SPECIAL ORDER                      702524 82-00-3090  Safety Chain For WD Hitch and   $10.67  Safety Chain w/Clevis
                                                        Ball Mount 2” & 2-5/16”
                                                        Multi Ball 2” & 2-5/16”
                                                                             The Class 4 Safety
                                            Weight Distribtuting             Chain from Buyers
                                                                             Products is rated
                                                                             to 15,000 lb. The
            Safety Chain Kit                Chain Kit                        chain is zinc-lated to
                                                                             withstand corrosion
                                            Weight Distribution              and features forged
                                            Chain Kit (Includes:             slip hook connectors.
                                            (1) Chain w/9 Links,             Use two safety chains with a total holding
                                            (2) Flat Washers 3/8”, (2) Locknuts 3/8”-16   capacity of at least the total weight of the
                                            Grade 2 & (1) U-bolts 3/8”-16 x 1-1/2” x 1/2”).  trailer and its contents. The chains are
                                                                             designed for towing only, not for lifting.
                                                  WARNING: This product can expose you
           Replacement safety chain u-bolt kit for   to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent      WARNING: This product contains
           B&W Turnoverball Gooseneck Hitches.   compounds), which is known to the State   chemicals known to the State of California
           Includes 2 u-bolts, springs and locknuts.   of California to cause cancer and birth   to cause cancer and birth defects or other
           Dimensions: 1-1/2”W x 3-1/8”L x 1/2”D.  defects or other reproductive harm. For more   reproductive harm. For more information,
                       Safety Chain U-Bolt Kit For   information, go to  go to
            711324  1900-2-1600       $39.98
                       Turnoverball Gooseneck Hitches  740504 55630  Chain Kit  $31.85  761143  BSC3835  Safety Chain 3/8” x 35” w/Clevis $20.07
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