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          Mini Flush Mount                   CO Alarm Battery                    Auto Change Over

          Series                             Operated                            Regulator
       SECTION 6   •   LP GAS
          Meets                              Protect you and
          requirements                       your family from                    Two stage auto changeover
          set by RVIA for                    the dangers of                      regulator provides easy change
          LP Gas Alarms                      carbon monoxide                     over from empty to full cylinder
          on RVs.                            gases. The Atwood                   while providing adequate fuel to your RV.
          Test/Reset                         CO alarm is less                    Complete with cover bracket and hardware
          Button - mute                      sensitive to humidity               (not shown). 11” W.C.400,000 BTU max flow. 2 -
          alarm during                       and “false” gases than other brands. Includes   1/4” Inverted Female Flare Inlets with Back Flow
          ventilation. Tests all electrical functions with   a loud alarm, digital display and patented   Checks x 3/8” Female Pipe Outlet - Propane
          one touch. Wide operational range, 8 to   fuel cell technology powered by batteries to   level indicator located on top of regulator.
          16-volts avoids most low voltage alarms. Alarm  utilize a more accurate sensor. Approved for   WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals
          is fully operational during mute cycle and will   ceiling mount applications. Includes three AA   including lead, which is known to the State of California to
          re-alarm if hazardous conditions recur. Easy   batteries. Replace after 10 years.  cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
          quick slide installation on mounting bracket.                          For more information, go to
          Built for the extreme RV environment., “All   171144  32701  Non-Digital Alarm, Gas CO, White  $59.89  Propane Auto-Change High
          Season” Sensor works from -40°F to +150°F.                             172334  F173836  Capacity Two Stage Regulator - Top   $55.97
          Listed to UL2034 for Recreational Vehicles and                                     View Level Indicator  Clamshell
          Unconditioned Areas. Operating temperature:
          -31°F to +150°F. Power supply and current
          draw: 12-vDC, 75mA.
                       Mini Flush Mount Series LP Gas                            Auto Change Over
          171132  20-441-PWT            $65.25
                       Alarm, White
                                                                                 Two stage auto changeover
                                             Kidde Fire Extinguisher             regulator provides easy change
                                                                                 over from empty to full cylinder
                                                                                 while providing adequate fuel to
          LP Gas Detector                    label using graphics                your RV. Complete with cover
                                             Clear instruction
                                                                                 bracket and hardware (not shown).
                                             to show steps                       11” W.C. 325,000+ BTU max flow.
          Atwood’s LP gas                    required to operate                 2 - 1/4” Inverted Female Flare Inlets x 3/8”
          detectors are ETL                  extinguisher. Easy-                 Female Pipe Outlet.
          listed and tested to UL            to-read gauge tells
          1484 for residential               you fire extinguisher                  WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals
          and RV use. Available              is charged and ready                including lead, which is known to the State of California to
          in 12-Volt DC or                   for use. Easy-to-pull               cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
          120-Volt AC power                  safety pin, rust and                For more information, go to
          configurations. Choice             impact resistant nylon handle. Clear instruction
          of black or white                  label using graphics to show steps required to   172360  F173766  Propane Auto-Changeover Two   $53.60
          housing and bezel                  operate extinguisher. Easy-to-read gauge tells   Stage Regulator
          colors. Mounting kits available for surface and   you fire extinguisher is charged and ready for
          flush mount applications. Optional adapter   use. Easy-to-pull safety pin, rust and impact
          mount ring allows detector to fit the 3-7/8” x   resistant nylon handle
          3-1’8” cutout from the last generation of flush   700066  466112  Kiddie Fire Extinguisher ABC  $66.42  Auto Change
          mount Atwood LP detectors. Dimensions:
          Surface Mount 3-3/8” L x 2-1/4” W x 1-1/2
          Cutout for flush mount: 3-5/8” L x 2-1/2” W x                          Regulator
          7/8” D. Mounting plate is included.
       SPECIAL ORDER  171122  36720  12-Volt LP Gas Detector - Off White  $73.05  The automatic changeover
                                                                                 regulator is your application
                                                                                 for two cylinder systems.
                                                                                 This regulator offers the
                                                                                 convenience of changeover
          Digital CO Detector                Fire Extinguisher                   from empty to full LP-gas cylinders, plus the
                                                                                 additional efficiency of two-stage pressure
                                                                                 regulation. The changeover feature allows
                                             Fire Extinguisher, Dry Chemical,    users the benefit of uninterrupted fuel flow to
          Protect you and                    Class BC, UL Rating 5B:C, Capacity   the LP-gas system. When the service cylinder
          your family from                   1.5 lb., Extinguish Agent Type      empties, the regulator will start drawing from
          the dangers of                     Sodium Bicarbonate, Height 13-3/4   the reserve cylinder. The full-empty indicator
          carbon monoxide                    In., Diameter 3-1/4 In., Cylinder   color changes from green to red indicating
          gases. The Atwood                  Material Aluminum, Operating        that the service cylinder is empty and the
          CO alarm is                        Pressure 100 psi, Discharge Time 8   system is drawing from the reserve cylinder.
          less sensitive to                  to 12 sec., Range Max. 8 ft., Bracket   Prior to disconnecting the service cylinder,
          humidity and “false”               Included Plastic Strap, Handle      rotate the black lever all the way over toward
          gases than other                   Material Plastic, Valve Material    the reserve cylinder. The full-empty indicator
          brands. Includes                   Plastic, Rechargeable No, Disposable Yes   will turn green and the reserve cylinder
          a loud alarm, digital display and patented fuel   Standards UL Listed.  becomes the service cylinder.
          cell technology powered by batteries to utilize   700050  BRKBF5-B  Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical 10  $28.76
          a more accurate sensor. Approved for ceiling                             WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -
          mount applications. Includes three AA batteries.  700055  RC210DB  Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical,   $36.86
                                                          BC, 5B:C
          Replace after 10 years.                         Fire Extinguisher Dry Chemical   172036  MEGR-253P  Auto Change Regulator, Pkg.  $57.13
          171115  32703  Digital Alarm, Gas CO, White  $76.29  700060  RC10BC  210D  $31.67  172037  MEGR-253  Auto Change Regulator  $55.96
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