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P. 673

         Prodigy P2 Brake                   Primus IQ Brake Control            POD Brake Control

         Control                            A totally proportional             The POD
                                            electric trailer
                                            brake control, the                 (Power On
        Designed for use with               new Primus IQ is                   Demand) is your
        electric over hydraulic             self-leveling so no                best choice
        braking systems. 360                level adjustment is                for 2 or 4
        Degree mounting                     necessary. Utilizing               brake systems
        capabilities. Reverse               the primary sensor                 especially when
        polarity protection. Trailer back-up override   technology from Prodigy the Primus IQ   your installation
        feature. No level adjustment necessary -   now includes the “Boost” feature that gives   options are limited. The POD can be mounted
        adjusts itself to varying terrain as you drive.   users the ability to apply more initial trailer   in any direction and its unique design features
        Produces stops that are in proportion to   braking when towing heavier trailers. It works   up front adjustment controls even when
        vehicle’s deceleration rate. “Boost” feature   proportionally in reverse for backing into tough  mounted upside down. The POD is the perfect
        gives users the ability to apply more initial   spots and includes a snap-in dash mounting   choice for SUV’s with almost vertical dash
        trailer braking power. Handles up to 8 brakes   clip and removable electrical connector that   mounting surfaces.
        (4 axles). Limited lifetime warranty.  allows the unit to be quickly stored when not   730574  80500  POD Brake Control  $52.88
         240885  90885  Prodigy “P2” Brake Control  $205.22  in use. You will appreciate the digital readout
         240121  7685  Metal Mounting Bracket  $6.00  depicting a secure electrical connection,
                                            amount of voltage delivery to the trailer brakes
                                            and diagnostic features incorporated in the
                                            LED display. For 1-3 axles. 15 year warranty
                                            (some conditions apply). 1 per box.                                    WHEELS & BRAKES   •  SECTION 21
         P3 Brake Control                   739160  90160  Primus IQ Brake Control  $132.40  Digital Pilot Brake

        The Tekonsha P3 is a                                                   Control
        breakthrough among
        proportional brake
        controls, offering a                                                   Pilot has a dark,
        system that is smooth                                                  smoke lens
        and proportional with                                                  that is ideal
        a multi-functioning                                                    for direct light
        LCD display featuring                                                  applications,
        the most advanced easy to use diagnostics.                             creating optimum visibility to read the large,
        Consumer preference drove the innovations                              two-digit display. Pilot has flexible mounting
        that are incorporated into the P3 including the   Prodigy RF W/Remote  options and can be installed in any direction.
        capability of switching between an electric                            Our microprocessor allows you the ability to
        brake system or a hydraulic brake system. P3’s                         read the display even when mounted upside
        convenient features include a dash-hugging                             down. The Pilot’s digital display shows voltage
        design, unique easy-to-use clip-mounting                               output to the brakes. Limited lifetime warranty.
        system, quick disconnect for a safe storage                            For 1 to 3 Axle Trailers, Timed Actuated
        when not in use and the original “boost” feature
        that allows the driver to increase the initial                         730575  80550  Pilot® for 1 to 3 Axle Trailers  $76.47
        power delivered to the trailer brakes. Including
        a range of diagnostic features, a pre-assembled
        wiring harness and a limited lifetime warranty,
        the P3 is for 2, 4, 6 and 8 brake trailers.
                                            A revolutionary approach to trailer braking,  Activator I
         730587  90195  P3 Brake Control  $239.47

                                            the Prodigy RF is a trailer mounted power   Brake Control
         Voyager Brake Control              module that includes a remote hand held
                                            unit with easy to see LED multi-functioning
                                            display that shows proper connection, brake
                                                                               100% solid state, easy
        The Voyager                         voltage, power output and more. The wireless   For 2 & 4 brake trailers,
        incorporates                        communication between the hand unit and   sync adjustment. No hydraulic connections.
        Tekonsha’s                          power module eliminates the need for under   No moving parts or pendulums. Mounts
        patented braking                    dash wiring no drilling, brackets or clips   anywhere. No leveling required.
        sensor and is the                   required! Just plug the remote hand held unit   730584  5100  Brake Control Activator I  $71.96  PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
        best value you’ll                   into any standard 12-volt power accessory
        find for smooth                     adapter. The Trailer Power Module is watertight
        and secure trailer                  and powered from the tow vehicle through
        braking. It’s compact size and features, like a bi-  the attached 7-way RV blade-style vehicle
        colored LED brake monitor make the Voyager   connector. Perfect for shared trailers, rental,
        extremely versatile. The LED monitor assures a   fleet or when multiple tow vehicles are used.
                                            Features true proportional trailer braking,
        complete connection to trailer brakes and gives   forward or reverse. Utilizing the primary sensor  Activator IV
        an indication of relative braking power being
        applied. The Voyager minimizes interference   technology from Prodigy®, the Prodigy®RF   Brake Control
        with tow vehicle electrical systems, uses a four-  includes the “Boost” feature that gives users
        wire hook up, has a broad setting range and is   the ability to apply more initial trailer braking
        compatible with most any vehicle. The Voyager   when towing heavier trailers. No level   1-4 axle trailers. Thumb
        is covered by a three year “No-Fault” limited   adjustment is necessary; it adjusts to varying   wheel output adjustment.
        warranty from the date of consumer purchase.   terrain as you drive. Suitable for use on any   Digital output indicator. Overload indicator.    SPECIAL ORDER
        Operates 2-8 brakes.                trailer with up to 6 electric brakes (1-3 axles).  Limited lifetime warranty.
         730573  9030  Voyager Control  $110.21 240005  90250  Prodigy Trailer Mount  $506.03 730582  5504  Brake Control Activator II Digital  $107.11
   668   669   670   671   672   673   674   675   676   677   678