Page 669 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 669


                                                                               In-Wall Slide-Out
                                                                          Interior In/Out
                Motors and Actuators                            Controllers And Electrical Parts
                                                                               Controller V-Sync II
                168956 40" Venture Actuator with High Speed Motor         Switch & Plate                           SECTION 18
                Manufacturer Part no.: 8532-18HT                               Maximize your
                For use in: LCI Electric Through-Frame Slide-Outs              space with
                12VDC, 9,500 RPM, 30 Amps, 18:1 Gear Ratio                     the In-Wall®
                If both motor and actuator need replaced, use 168956           Slide system!
                                                                        211852  Features: •  135666  117461 -
                                                                               Never need          White
                                                                               adjustment •
                                                                               All mechanics
                145595  40" Venture Actuator (Only works with Tuson Motors)  501205 120639  Interior In/Out Switch & Plate  $42.39
                                                                               are hidden in the wall cavity, providing
                For use in: LCI Electric Through-Frame Slide-Outs              more room height and cleaner aesthetic
                If actuator only needs replaced, use 145595 Single Flex Guard Kit  • System components come attached
                                                                               together, making inventory easier • Boxes
                                                                        120639  can be prepped and built off line saving
                                          Slide out                            time and money; once it’s installed on a
                                          wiring                   Arrow #  Dual Polarity Sole-        Price
                                                                          Mfg #
                                                                               room box, simply slide it into the coach
                                          guard. Use
                 Arrow #  Mfg #  Description               Price               and attach
                                          to protect               501191  211852  In-Wall Slide Controller V-Sync II  $575.15
                                                                                          Dual Motor Slide-Out Controller $575.15
                                          plumbing/peed Motor
                 SO      168956  40" Venture Actuator & High S  -  SO     noid Slide-Out Controller 10665  -
                  Hydraulic Cylinder                                             (switch, bezel & harness)
                 SO      145595  Actuator Rod Only; 40"    -       SO    Slide-Out Wiring Har-         -
                                                                                 White Slide-Out Switch Kit
                                          and hoses
                                                                                 Interior In/Out Switch & Plate
                Hydraulic Cylinders & Parts                        501205  ness Dual Polarity Solenoid - Copper   $42.39  JACKS,COUPLERS & LEVELERS
                  720216 339031
                             39” Hydraulic Cylinder
                                          extension and retraction of slideout room.
                                           000780 1346271  8” Single Flex Guard Kit  $32.73
                342328 53" Hydraulic Cylinder                                    Posts with Mounting Strap
                For use in: 2 x 2 Hydraulic Through-Frame Slides   501206  118246  Dual Polarity Solenoid - Silver/  $133.63
                Gray, 38" Stroke, 1-1/2" Bore, 3/4"-10 Thread                    Bronze Alloy Posts
                  Hydraulic Cartridge
                Extended Length: 91"                               501204  247768  15' Wiring Harness  $133.63
                Retracted Length: 53"      Double Flex Guard Kit          501206 118246  Silver/Bronze Alloy Posts  $109.52
                                                                                 20' Wiring Harness
                339031 39" Hydraulic Cylinder                      501208  238991  25' Wiring Harness  $109.17
                For use in: 2.5 x 2.5 Hydraulic Through-Frame Slides
                                          The patented Flex
                                                                                     15’ Wiring Harness
                24" Stroke, 1-1/2" Bore, 3/4"-10 Thread            SO    501204 247768 30' Wiring Harness  $85.83 -
                                          Guard is a heavy-
                                                                                 35' Wiring Harness
                Extended Length: 63"      duty, flexible rail      SO    501207 229755  20’ Wiring Harness  $109.52
                Retracted Length: 39"     that offers support            501208 238991  25’ Wiring Harness  $109.17
                                          and protection
                                          to vital slide-out    Flex Guard And Slide-Out Slickers
                                          plumbing, wiring
                                          and hoses under
                                  177094  249363  113128  113131
                                          the slide room floor. Features: ;Can be
                                          installed on any slide-out system that uses
                  720217 177094  Hydraulic Cartridge Valve  $164.73
                                          a ¼” steel rod or swing arm for the same
                                          application ;For Double slide-out systems
                     141111       142927  141020  138416
                                          ;Comes with 8” mounting post with    Double Flex Guard Kit   Triple Flex Guard Kit
                                                                Single Flex Guard Kit
                 Arrow #  Mfg #  Description  washer and five Flex Guard clips ;Mounting   346281  1346291
                                          hardware included ;Measures 50-1/2” x
                 SO JIC Hose End Fitting               -
                                53" Hydraulic Cylinder
                 720216  339031  39" Hydraulic Cylinder  $340.06
                                           000840 1346281  Double Flex Guard Kit  $34.79
                 SO      141111  Hydraulic Power Unit  -
                 720217  177094  Hydraulic Cartridge Valve  $164.73   Slide-Out Sticker
                 SO      142927  Nason Pressure Switch  -                                                           PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                           Triple Flex Guard Kit
                 720219  138416  JIC Hose End Fitting  $7.43          420162 134993  Slide-Out Sticker Pair  $70.96  134993
                 SO      249363  O-Ring Face Seal Hose End Fitting  -
                  720219 138416  JIC Hose End Fitting  $7.43
                 SO      113128  1/4" Hydraulic Fitting - 90° Elbow  -  Arrow #  Mfg #  Description    Price
                 SO      113131  1/4" Hydraulic Fitting - Straight  -  000780  1346271  Single Flex Guard Kit  $32.73
                 SO      141020  1/4" Hydraulic Fitting -    -   000840  1346281  Double Flex Guard Kit  $34.79
                                Swivel 90° Elbow                 000841  1346291  Triple Flex Guard Kit  $52.46
                                                                 420162  134993  Slide-Out Slicker (Pair)  $70.96
                                           000841 1346291  Triple Flex Guard Kit  $52.46
                                                                      SLIDE-OUT SERVICE AND REPLACEMENT PARTS        SPECIAL ORDER
   664   665   666   667   668   669   670   671   672   673   674