Page 670 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 670

668                                      Two jacks per carton. Removable   Hydraulic Bottle Jack
                                            Slide-Out Stabilizers
       SECTION 18 Duo RV Slide Out Skis     U-top fits most frames. All parts are   FEATURES: Two piece zinc

           With use and normal wear and
           tear, RV Slide Outs can become
                                            powder-coated or zinc-plated for
                                                                             plated handle. Prevent rust with
           sticky, start to grind, and even
                                            corrosion resistance. Easy snap
                                                                             “Parkerized” pump piston, ram
           get jammed up. A sticking slide
                                            and lock adjustment. Supports
                                                                             and extension screw. No leak
           out can actually destroy RV
                                            5000 ibs per jack. Foldable handle
                                                                             “Uni-weld” construction. 50%
           floors where rooms slide on the
                                            for compact storage.
                                                                             safety overload factor. State of
           rollers. Save the slide out, and
                                                                             the art design reduces repair time.
           the floor with this amazing Easy
                                                  WARNING: Cancer and
           Slide System
                                                                             machined oil passages, smooth bearing
           • Reduces friction, sticking &
                                                                             surfaces and close tolerances. Lightweight
                                            760605 JB-246
                                                        Adjusts Between 20” - 46”
            grinding                        Reproductive Harm -  Longer wear life due to internally
           • Save the slide out - Repair, don’t replace                      forged base provides more steel only
           • Universal 53”L x 6”W - Easy to trim for                         where strength is required. The heavy-duty
            custom fit                                                       extension screw and release valve were
           • Trusted by RV OEM’s for 20+ years.                              designed to eliminate parts and reduce the
                                                                             chances of breakage and excessive wear.
            520447 028102D-AFT Universal 53” L x 6”W - 2Pk  $53.06  Slide-Out Support  Safety oil by-pass system prevents the ram
            520446 028102D-10 Universal 53” L x 6”W - 10Pk  $204.08          from being overextended and causing
                                            Eaz-Lift Slide Out Supports
                                            help protect your RV’s slide out   damage to the cylinder.
                                            mechanism by providing support   • Low Lift Height: 9.4488”
                                            to your slide out room when it   • High Lift Height: 18.8976”
                                            is in use for prolonged periods.   • Stroke: 5.9055”
            Ultra Slide-Out                 The universal fit top will support   Harm.
                                                                                   WARNING: Cancer & Reproductive
                                            any slide out rail, and the space
                                            saving handle and tethered pin
            Supports                        make the support easy to use and store. The   870030 76412  12-Ton Capacity Bottle Jack  $213.75
                                            Eaz-Lift Slide Out Supports adjust from 19” to
                                            47”, with incremental locked positions, plus   870035 76520  22-Ton Capacity Bottle Jack  $317.25
           Keep your camper in tip-top      minute adjustment that extends an additional
           shape with these slide-out       14 inches. These durable supports are
           supports. Extendable struts      constructed of rust-resistant steel and support
           work in tandem to keep           up to 5,000 lbs each.
           your slide out level and
           to prevent sagging and
           damage to your RV’s extension          WARNING: This product can expose
           tubes. Quick-release handles make   you to Lead, which is know to the State of
           mounting a snap.  2 Adjustable supports   California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,
           mount between the ground and the frame   which are known to the State of California   Big Chock
           of your motor home’s slide out, reduces   to cause birth defects or other reproductive
           slide-out sag.  Prevents damage to RV   harm and/or cancer. For more information   Heavy duty wheel
           frame and extension tubes.  Quick-release   go to  chock keeps RV in
           handle for simple height adjustment.    740220 48866 Slide Out Support, Pair (Eng/Fr)  $160.18  place. Bottom rubber strip enhances grip.
           Press button to release inner tube.  Pull   740221 48867  Slide Out Support, Single (Eng/Fr)  $73.62  Nylon cord to easily remove the chock
           tube up until U-channel bracket hits                              when finished. Dimensions 9.5” long x 8.5”
           slide-out frame.  Turn handle to fine-                            wide x 4.5” high.
           tune, u-Channel brackets straddle frame   Slide-Out Support             WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive
         SPECIAL ORDER  duty steel construction.  $131.60  Carry All         Harm -  $11.19
           member for secure positioning, heavy-
                       Slide-Out Supports For Motor
                                                                             730592 A10-0914
                                                                                         Big Chock, Red, Bulk
            760400 19-960003
                       Homes (Qty 2) - 16”-28”
                       Slide-Out Supports For Motor
            760401 19-960002
                       Homes (Qty 2) - 21”-37”  $124.40  Holds a pair of any Ultra-
                                            Fab branded slide-out
                       Slide-Out Supports For Motor
            760402 19-960001           $117.20  supports and most other
                       Homes (Qty 2) - 26”-47”
                                            brands as well.  Durable
                                            Oxford Cloth saves wear and tear
                                            on slide-out supports and keeps dirt and
                                            debris out of the basement compartment.
                                            Designed for slide-out supports, but perfect
                                            for storing other items as well.  Velcro
            Universal Slidewinder           handle wrap.  32”x 6”x 6”.  1-year warranty Wheel Chocks
                                                                             Keep your trailer or RV
            Slide Winders provide                 WARNING: This product can expose you   in place with this
            secure stabilization            to chemicals including Tetrabromobisphenol   wheel chock.
            of slide-out room.              A, which is known to the State of California   Nylon cord
            Adjustable screw and            to cause cancer, and Perfluorooctane   makes it easy to
            cradle fits tubes up            Sulfonate (PFOS), which is known to the State  remove chock. Integrated grooves grip
            to 4.25” wide. Rust             of California to cause birth defects or other   your tires for added stability. Durable,
            resistant, black powder         reproductive harm. For more information go   polyethylene construction for strength and
            coat, steel construction.       to       stability. Measures 7” long x 4-1/4”.
            760167 31340  Adjustable 19”-47” Set Of 2  $90.90  760701 19-960004 32” x 6” x 6” Retail Pack  $39.13  730581 A10-0908  Wheel Chock Red Bulk  $5.67
   665   666   667   668   669   670   671   672   673   674   675