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P. 677


              StayPut Jack Pads                Stabilizer Jack Pad              Automotive Ramps

                                               Specifically designed for        Camco’s Automotive
              Stop your jacks                  use with stack jacks, fifth
              from sinking! Use                wheel stabilizers, swing         Ramps provide increased
              under Hydraulic,                 down stabilizers and             ground clearance for
              scissor, stabilizer              awning arms to keep them         easy access to the                 SECTION 18
              and 5th wheel drop                                                underside of your
              down jacks. Features: EZ grip handle;   from sinking into soft ground. Interlocking for   vehicle. They feature a 17-degree incline,
                                               convenient storage with handy strap. Built in
              lightweight; UV stabilized; handy storage   handle for ease of use. Solidly constructed of   which is perfect for low clearance vehicles.
              strap; helps distribute weight of jacks                           The ramps can be used on a maximum tire
                                               durable polypropylene with UV inhibitors.  width of 9 1/2-inches. They have a gross
                          Jack Pads w/Handle Small 4Pk
              760331 A10-0923            $23.22                                 vehicle weight rating of 14,000 lb. and a
                          6”x6” Wrap Card           WARNING: This product can expose   3,500 lb. capacity per ramp. The set of (2)
                          Jack Pads w/Handle Large 2PK   you to Lead, which is know to the State of   automotive ramps feature (3) traction pads
              760345 A10-0924            $26.92
                          13.5”x11.5”          California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,   made of recycled rubber to reduce slippage.
                          Jack Pads  Heavy Duty Single   which are known to the State of California   Overall dimensions: 36 3/4-inches long x
              760999 A10-0925            $83.93
                          15”x15” 25,000 LB    to cause birth defects or other reproductive   11 7/8-inches wide x 8-inches tall. Ramps
                                               harm and/or cancer. For more information   provide 7-inches of lift. The automotive
                                               go to     ramps are constructed of a durable, UV-
                                               760105 44543 Large 14.0” x 11.7”pad w/Handle 2Pk  $39.19  stabilized polymer and are made in the USA.
                                               760329 44541 Large 14” x 12” 2PK  $30.03
                                               760049 44595 Pads w/Velcro Straps 4PK  $25.39     WARNING: This product can expose
              Super RV Jack Pad                                                 you to Lead, which is know to the State of
                                                                                California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,
                                                                                which are known to the State of California
                                               Heavy-Duty Stabilizer            to cause birth defects or other reproductive
                                                                                harm and/or cancer. For more information
                                               Jack Support                     go to
                                                                                           14,000 LB (Gross) 3,500 LB/
                                                                                600289 44559
                                                                                           Ramp 36-3/4” x 11-7/8” x 8” 2Pk  $70.56  JACKS,COUPLERS & LEVELERS
                                               Camco’s Heavy-Duty
                                               Stabilizer RV Jack Support provides lift and
                                               stability for RV jacks—offering 7-inches of
              Super Rv Jack Pad (2pk) 10”x 14”Place   lift. The jack support is compatible with up
              Super RV Jack Pads under stabilizing jacks   to 10-inch round jack pads. It has a weight
              and hydraulic levelers. Durable and strong,   rating of 6,000 lb. and overall measurements
              weight tested to 40,000 psi.     of 13 ½-inches x 15-inches x 7 ¼-inches tall.
                                               This durable jack support is constructed of a   Curb Ramp
                    WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive   heavy-duty, UV-stabilized polymer.
              Harm -                                    Traverse curbs
                                                    WARNING: This product can expose   or steps easily
              222048 007-27257  Super RV Jack Pad 2PK 10”x 14”  $40.61  you to Lead, which is know to the State of   with this
                                               California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,   Curb Ramp.
                                               which are known to the State of California   Lightweight
                                               to cause birth defects or other reproductive   and strong.
                                               harm and/or cancer. For more information   May be bolted
                                               go to     together for added length. Supports
                                                                                20,000 pounds. 23” long x 13-1/2” deep x
              Jack Pad                         681305 44421  6,000 LB 13-1/2” x 15” x 7-1/4”  $34.81  5-3/4” high. Curb ramps weighs 9 pounds.
                                                                                740083 33-0111  Curb Ramp  $93.68

              The Footing Pad is a lightweight pad for   Jack Support
              an RV or trailer, both sizes of footing pads
              work well for use under the landing gear.                                                             PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
              This spreads out the footprint of weight for   The Camco Stabilizer Jack Support is an   Tri-Lynx Levelers
              the trailer or RV, and also minimizes any   7-inch tall leveler that is great for use with
              “imprints” the landing gear may have on   stabilizer jacks that don’t reach the ground.   Leveling your RV
              mud or on brand new asphalt.     It can also be used with tongue jacks   has never been
                                               equipped with a footpad. The Stabilizer
                                               Jack Support is constructed of durable UV-  easier! Slowly idle
                    WARNING: This product can expose you                        your RV to the top
              to chemicals, including Titanium Dioxide,   stabilized polypropylene.  of the stack until
              Nickel, Alkathene, Poly Propylene, which is      WARNING: This product can expose   you Stop ‘N Chock.
              known to the State of California to cause   you to Lead, which is know to the State of   It’s that easy! The
              cancer, and Methanol, which is known to   California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,   only self-positioning
              the State of California to cause birth defects   which are known to the State of California   guide. Exclusively for use with Lynx Levelers.
              or other reproductive harm. For more   to cause birth defects or other reproductive   Complies to SAE J348 standards for wheel
              information go to  harm and/or cancer. For more information   chocks. Comprehensive three year warranty.   SPECIAL ORDER
              760326 BP10  10” Jack Pads  $4.53  go to   730743 00016  RV Leveling Blocks 4Pk  $20.23
              760327 BP16  16” Jack Pads  $15.88  760269 44424  5,000 LB 7” Tall  $28.75  730744 00015  RV Leveling Kit 10Pk  $49.20
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