Page 678 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 678
Stackers w/Bag
Stop ’N Chock Multi-use leveler, jack Leveling
SECTION 18 has never been stand and tongue Perfect for all of your leveling needs. $63.18
Leveling your RV
wheel support
easier. Now you’ll
Attached easy to
hit the top of the
Leveling Blocks, 10PK
730754 44505
grip handle acts as a
stack every time.
transition to the next
Convenient and easy to use. Strong and
step for a smooth ramp
durable. 1 per box.
Each 10 pack comes in a
730742 00018
Stop ’N Chock
high quality nylon zippered bag or bulk
730741 A10-0918 Stackers 10Pk Boxed $63.32
730747 A10-0920 Stackers, 10Pk w/Bag Boxed $71.45
Tri-Lynx LynxCap
Endurance Heavy-Duty Single Tri-Leveler
Leveling System Wider design
for even better
Leveling Caps 4 per pack. stability. Raise
your RV up to
730746 00019 Leveling Caps 4Pk $22.95 The heavy-duty system
combines wood 3-7/8” on any
and reinforced tire for a more level positioning that helps
plastic to create make appliances and tanks operate more
the most durable efficiently. Lightweight, durable resin has
and easiest to use a non-slip surface. Each leveler has a load
EZ Levelers & Jack Pad solution that every 730748 44573 Yellow Tri-Leveler $34.50
capacity of 3500 Lb.
RV or car can depend on. Includes: 4
Multi-use leveler, ramps, 2 wheel docks, 1 wheel chock, 1
jack stand non-skid traction mat. Just add lumber.
and tongue
wheel support. WARNING: This product can expose
Attached easy you to chemicals including di(2-ethylhexyl)
to grip handle acts phthalate, which is known to the State of
as a transition to the California to cause cancer and birth defects
next step for a smooth ramp. Convenient or other reproductive harm. For more
self- fastening strap for storage information go to
Curved Chock
730618 A10-0916 Stackers 4Pk Boxed $26.38 730029 08200 8pc Kit $33.31
FasTen Leveling Blocks
SPECIAL ORDER • Multi-use leveler, jack stand and tongue Camco FasTen Leveling
Blocks allow you to
wheel support
stack the interlocking
• Attached easy to grip handle acts as a
blocks to the desired
transition to the next step for a smooth ramp
• Convenient self- fastening strap for storage height for safe
and easy leveling.
• Can hold up to 40,000 lbs. gross vehicle Each block adds a The Camco Curved Leveler is a simple way
weight on a firm level ground or 10,000 lbs. full inch to stack height. FasTen Leveling to level your vehicle by give a tire up to 4
per wheel Blocks can be used with single wheels, extra inches of lift. The honeycomb design
• Measures 8” x 10” x 1-1/2” double wheels, hydraulic jacks, tongue jacks, makes the leveler lightweight but durable.
The drive-on curved design allows you to
730745 A10-0917 Stackers, Single $6.07 stabilizer jacks, 5th wheel jacks and tandem only drive on to as much height as needed,
axles. The convenient carrying handle easily
pulls up for carrying, or twists down to then chock the leveler at the exact right
secure blocks together for storage. They height. The included clock has non-slip
have a strong, durable construction and are rubber grippers on the bottom. Made in the
engineered with a patent-pending design to USA, 2-pack.
Stackers Chock optimize both strength and weight, resin is UV WARNING: This product can expose
stabilized and built to last even when exposed
to sunlight for extended periods of time. Stack you to Lead, which is know to the State of
Attached handle interlocks height should not exceed 4 1/2 inches. California to cause Cancer, and Phthalates,
with stackers. Rugged which are known to the State of California
tread design, stops RV 730183 44512 Blocks w/T-Handle, 2x2, Yellow 10PK $65.13 to cause birth defects or other reproductive
at the top of the stack 730184 44515 Blocks w/T-Handle, 4x2, Yellow 10PK $104.41 harm and/or cancer. For more information
730187 44521 Blocks w/T-Handle, 2x2, Brown 10PK $68.33 go to
730571 A10-0922 Stackers Chock Bulk $12.70 730197 44525 Blocks w/T-Handle, 4x2, Brown 10PK $110.16 730757 44425 Curved Leveler & Wheel Chock, 2PK $89.99