Page 769 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 769
Elite Pop-In Ball Kit Gooseneck Adapter
Infinitely adjustable from 12”
This kit is made to fit in to 16”, Rated at 20,000-lbs.,
the 2011 Ford Superduty cushioned 360-degrees plus
trucks with OEM rail kit or up & down, comes with safety
Aftermarket Elite Series chains, fail safe king pin adapter,
Rails. Comes with two and positive lock coupler, simple
safety chain holders, hole to install, easily receives SECTION 22
cover, ball, and storage bag. padlock to secure trailer when
hooked up or parked.
WARNING: This product can expose you
to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent WARNING: This product can expose you RUBBER PIN BOX
compounds), which is known to the State to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent
of California to cause cancer and birth compounds), which is known to the State
defects or other reproductive harm. For more of California to cause cancer and birth
information, go to defects or other reproductive harm. For more
742110 30137 Pop-In Kit 30K LBS Capacity $452.00 information, go to
711414 C5G1216 Gooseneck Adapter $895.85
Chevrolet Composite
Bed Kit Gooseneck Coupler
Chevrolet Composite
Bed Kit for Above the Adapter
Bed Rail Kit #30035 (10 - Bolt GIVING YOU HITCHES & TOWING
Design) used w/Select Series Use your gooseneck hitch SMOOTHER TOWING
Fifth Wheels & 25K Above-Bed Gooseneck.
to tow your 5th-wheel
WARNING: This product can expose you trailer by hooking up with Leave rough towing behind with MORryde’s
revolutionary Pin Box System. Its advanced
to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent this coupler adapter. Poly cushions absorb rubber shear spring works to absorb towing
compounds), which is known to the State shock for a smooth ride. Adjustable height shock for more comfortable, stress-free travel.
of California to cause cancer and birth fits multiple applications. Offset design is
defects or other reproductive harm. For more perfect for short-bed pickups. 20,000-lb
information, go to GTW. Towing capacity: 20,000 lbs, pin
weight capacity: 4,000 lbs, Application: Rubber Pin Box Re-
742071 58208 Chevy Composite Bed Kit For $273.78 2-5/16” gooseneck hitch balls, height: 12” - Unique Rubber
Fifth Wheel & Gooseneck
Shear Spring
16”, Offset: 7-1/2”, 2-Year limited warranty. placement
Absorbs Shock
WARNING: This product can expose you
to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent •
Gooseneck Extender compounds), which is known to the State
of California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm. For more
Use with short bed pick-ups to information, go to
create clearance between trailer
and truck cab. 711415 C5GX1216 12” - 16”, Offset: 7-1/2” $1,173.12 1.5" Side to Side 3" Front to Back
WARNING: Cancer Jerk-free starts and stops • 3” fore/aft travel
• Jerk-free starts and stops
and Reproductive Harm - and 1.5” side-to-side travel • Maintenance-
• 3" fore/aft travel and 1.5" side-to-side travel free • Greatly reduced back-and-forth
• Maintenance-free
711322 GNXA4085 4” Gooseneck Extender Boxed $216.33 chucking & jerking • Cushioned sensation
• Greatly reduced back-and-forth chucking & jerking
over uneven roads • Uses 100% natural
Gooseneck Coupler rubber shear springs
• Cushioned sensation over uneven roads
• Uses 100% natural rubber shear springs
Gooseneck Adapter Easy-grip locking handle is accessible 020287 RPB72- Lippert 1116 14K-18K $879.42
Eaz-Lift’s Gooseneck from any position. Self-centering 020288 RPB72- Lippert 1621 HD/SHD $878.05 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
locking plate lets you miss the ball by
adapter features an more than an inch. Tight ball fit reduces RPB72-
Lippert 1621 14K-18K
automatic latching coupler for jarring when changing speeds or on rough PART # MORryde PART #* PRICE
a simple hookup and disconnect. roads. User-friendly design enables quick, Lippert 1621 HD
It has a 30,000 lb tow rating.Easy easy hookup and release. Locking handle 020288 RPB72-1621HD-04 $878.05
to install and comes with all of cover protects working parts. Cam locking Lippert 1621 14K-18K
the parts and hardware needed for installation. pin affords easy vertical adjustment. Pinch 020289 RPB72-1621HD-05 $878.05
bolt design.
WARNING: This product can expose Lippert 1116 14K-18K
you to chemicals including lead, which WARNING: This product can expose you 020287 RPB72-1116HD-05 $879.42
is known to the State of California to to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent
cause cancer and birth defects or other compounds), which is known to the State To make things even smoother for you, our RPB System is
reproductive harm. For more information, of California to cause cancer and birth available for installation in the aftermarket and installs in an
go to defects or other reproductive harm. For more hour on most fifth wheels. For more details, contact your SPECIAL ORDER
local dealer. See MORryde for the Rubber Pin Box fit chart.
711412 48500 Gooseneck Adapter 12” $872.01 information, go to
711413 48501 Gooseneck Adapter 15” $907.97 711451 0289600300 25k Square Gooseneck w/pin $354.08