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P. 772

770       5TH WHEEL

        SECTION 22  PIN BOXES Air ride pin box with a pivoting head   Air Ride Pin Boxes
                               18K Flex Air Pin Box

             5th wheel RV owners know all too well the perils of towing down bumpy roads. CURT
                             replaces standard pin box on your 5th-
             offers a complete line of 5th wheel towing solutions to cover the novice weekend RVer
                             wheel trailer to cushion your ride, improve
             and the full-time RVer who demands nothing but the best towing experience.
                             handling, and limit strain on truck and
                                             AIR RIDE
                             Drastically reduces chucking
                             Virtually eliminates bounce and jarring
                             Internal air bag absorbs road shock  ™          FLEX AIR   ®
                             Scissor-like motion allows pin box to        L07 Air Ride Pin Box 21K
                                                               760423 158777             $1,147.95
                                                                          Replaces 1716
                                                               Roto-Flex - ADVERT
                                                               Pivoting pin box replaces standard pin
             • Pivoting head significantly   • Gas shock and air bag absorb  • Integrated air bag acts as a
                                                               box on your 5th-wheel trailer to improve
                             compress, compensating for jarring and
               reduces fore-to-aft coach      road shock and control fore-to-  buffer between the tow vehicle
                                                                                       and limit
               movement (chucking)            aft coach movement (chucking)   and coach to absorb road
                             Built-in shock ensures that pin box                       strain on
                             rebounds - keeps air bag from breaking om road shock
             • Rubberized torsion compound   • Protects RV fr                 shock and vibrations
                                                                                       the truck
               absorbs motion and vibration   and vibrations, potentially    • Oil-filled shock absorber handles
               caused by road shock           saving owners from costly       rebounds, dampening kickback
                             Pivoting head limits chucking by allowing
                             controlled movement of the king pin
             • Absorbs road shock that would  repairs                         and controlling chucking
                             within your hitch
               otherwise be absorbed by your  • Improves ride and            • Heavy-duty pivoting head
                             Rubber compound built into the head
               RV, preventing costly damage   reduces driver fatigue          controls the vertical tug-of-war
                                                                              between the tow vehicle and RV
                                             • Can be retrofitted to most
             • Powder-coated lower jaw  328492  18K Flex Pin Box Long  Minimizes chucking by allowing controlled
                                                               movement of king pin within your hitch
                                                               Rubber compound built into the head
             • Reduces vibration              pin boxes on the market        • Durable, rubberized compound
                                                               absorbs road shock provides an additional buffer to
                                                                              help protect the RV from jarring
                                                               Reduces wear and tear on trailer
                               21K Flex Air Pin Box            711447  328330  Roto Flex Pin Box 18K  $675.00
              Arrow #  Mfg #  Description   Replaces   Pin Box Capacity  Style  Long Jaw Air Ride Pin Box   Price
                                                               760421 158778
                               Our                                        21K; 1621
              Flex Air         new
                               Flex dium jaw
              SO     328484  M15 - me       Lippert 1116  18,000 lbs.  Short; for long bed pick-ups  -
              711442  328492  L05 - long jaw  Lippert 1621  18,000 lbs.  Long; for short bed pick-ups  $1605.13
                               Pin Box
              760422  369535  L05 - long jaw  Lippert 1621  21,000 lbs.  Long; for short bed pick-ups  $1773.80
                                                                     Flex Air replacement for Rhino Box
                            Rhino Box replacement
                                            21K Rhino Box
                                                       21,000 lbs.
         SPECIAL ORDER  Air Ride  158778  L05 - long jaw  Lippert 1621  21,000 lbs  Long; for short bed pick-ups  $1320.03
                               combines our time-tested Trailair® Air
                               Ride™ technology with our Rota-Flex™
                                                       21,000 l
                                                                     Long; for short bed pick-ups
                               pivoting head to significantly reduce fore bs
                                            Lippert 1716
                               to aft movement and vertical tug-of-war
                            M15 HD
                                            Lippert 0719
                                                       18,000 lbs
                               between a fifth-wheel RV and tow vehicle.   Short; for long bed pick-ups  -
              SO     155943  M19 - medium jaw  Lippert 1116  21,000 lbs  Short; for long bed pick-ups  -
                               • 21,000lbs tow capacity • Long Jaw •
              SO     807710  Rhino Box replacement  21K Rhino Box  21,000 lbs  Air Ride replacement for Rhino Box  -
                               Pivoting head • Air Ride Technology •
              SO     177223  Shock S8 for Air Ride  --               Replacement shock for Air Ride pin   -
                               Rubberized compound • Oil shock --
                               760422 369535  21K Pin Box
              711447  328330  L05 - long jaw  Lippert 1116  18,000 lbs.  Short; for long bed pick-ups  $722.26
              SO     176440  M19 - medium jaw  Lippert 1621  19,000 lbs.  Long; for short bed pick-ups  -
              SO     328329  L05 - long jaw  Lippert 1621  21,000 lbs.  Long; for short bed pick-ups  -
              SO     807712  Rhino Box replacement  21K Rhino Box  21,000 lbs.  Rota-Flex replacement for Rhino Box  -
             5TH WHEEL PIN BOXES
                                      WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -
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