Page 726 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 726

            Zip Breakaway                   Breakaway Switch                 Breakaway Cable

            Cable & Pin
                                                                             & Pin Assembly
                                            w/48” Wires
       SECTION 21  The best                 Reinforced nylon                 Replacement Cable and
           replacement for
                                            case with
                                                                             Brass Pin assembly
           your damaged
                                            weldable metal
                                                                             for #2005 Switch
           or frayed cable,
                                            tab and coated 48” lanyard. Rust and
                                                                             Warranty.  Limited
           The Fastway® ZIP™
                                            corrosion-free. Silver contact points. Nylon
                                                                             1 Year, bulk.
           eliminates cable fray and
                                            pull pin can’t freeze up.
           protects your fingers from loose, sharp
           wire. It keeps your cable off the ground
                                                                                         Assembly For#2005 Switch
                                            730525 2010-P
                                                        Breakaway Switch Nylon Pkg
           and out of harm’s way while you’re towing   730524 2005-P  Breakaway Switch w/Brass Pin $19.56  730527 2005-A  Replacement Cable & Brass Pin   $5.85
           and is a safer, more reliable connection                          730530 2010-A-P  Replacement Cable & Nylon Pin   $12.17
           from your tow vehicle to your trailer. The                                    Assembly For #2010 Switch
           pin is compatible with all ZIP™ switches,
           most Bargman®brand breakaway switches
           and other makes with similar pin styles.
                       6’ Fastway Zip Breakaway   LED Breakaway Switch
            730047 80-01-2206          $18.00
                       Cable + Pin
                                            Verifies 12-volt power is being   Shur-Set III
                                            transferred to the trailer brakes with
                                            LED. Weatherproof design. Durable pin
            Breakaway Cable                 and vehicle hook-up cable. 7” wires.   Breakaway Kit
                                            Includes a safety feature
            & Switch                        711017  20050  LED Breakaway Switch  $17.13  Intended for use
                                                                             on single, tandem
                                                                             and tri-axle trailers
           At last, a breakaway                                              equipped with
           cable that won’t                                                  electric brakes.
           drag! If you are tired                                            Mounts on jackpost
           of frayed and broken             Breakaway Complete               or A-frames: quick
           breakaway cables, the new Fastway®                                easy one-bolt installation;
           Zip™ is a must for you. The coiled cable                          no need for cutting or drilling. Resistant,
           keeps itself up off the ground and out of                         rust-proof heavy duty polyethylene plastic
           harm’s way while you’re towing. Connects                          case protects battery and charger from
           and removes quickly and easily with                               elements and corrosion. Meets or exceeds
           included carabiner. 4’ with switch.                               D.O.T. specifications regarding breakaway/
                       4’ Fastway Zip Breakaway Cable                        holding requirements. Full kit includes:
            730053 80-00-2040         $34.55                                 battery case with mounting bracket, 12-
                       + Switch             Completely sealed breakaway switches to
            730054 80-01-2140 4’ Fastway Zip Breakaway Cable $16.65  automatically set trailer brakes in case of   volt sealed rechargeable battery, nylon
            730055 80-01-2160 6’ Fastway Zip Breakaway Cable $18.75  accidental trailer breakaway. Required by   breakaway switch and a battery charger.
                       6’ Fastway Zip Breakaway Cable   law in some states. Emergency use only, not   730034 2026  Kit NO Charger Jack Mount  $88.70
            730056 80-00-2060  + Switch  $135.00  to be used to lock brakes when parked or   730035 2028  Complete Kit Jack Mount  $112.56
         SPECIAL ORDER  730057 80-01-9214 Counter Display - 8  case, weldable metal tab, nylon pin assembly
                                            stored. 2010 and 2005 have reinforced nylon
                                            and are rust and corrosion free. 2009 has all
                                            metal parts and a brass pin assembly.
                                                        Breakaway Switch w/48” Cable
                                            730031 54-85-007
                                                        & Pin Assembly  $20.75
            Breakaway Switch                                                 Breakaway Kit
           Completely sealed
           breakaway                        Breakaway                        w/Charger
           switches to
           automatically set trailer
           brakes in case of accidental     Lanyard Only                     Now with 3 versatile
           trailer breakaway. Required by law in                             mounting
           some states. Emergency use only, not to   Completely sealed       options! Great for
           be used to lock brakes when parked or   breakaway                 gooseneck trailers.
           stored. 2010, 50-85-007 and 2005 have   switch to insure          Includes: Battery Box,
           reinforced nylon case, weldable metal   braking on                Battery (5 amp/hr),
           tab, nylon pin assembly and are rust and   towed vehicle          Tekonsha Breakaway Switch, 48” 2-step,
           corrosion free. 2009 has all metal parts   during accidental      Premium Integrated Charger.
           and a brass pin assembly.        separation of trailer            730051 50-85-320 Breakaway Kit w/Charger  $81.88
                                            and towing vehicle.
                       Breakaway Switch, Nylon w/                                        Breakaway Kit w/Integrated
            730526 2010-B125           $12.70                                730052 50-85-325           $107.58
                       Weldable Tab         730032 54-85-002 48” Lanyard Only  $6.46     Multi-Stage Charger
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