Page 727 - 2022_McDowell-Cover_Catalog_Complete
P. 727

              Breakaway                        Engager Breakaway                Heavy-Duty

              Battery Box                      w/LED                            RV Tire Gauge

              Rust proof heavy duty polymer case that   Activates trailer brakes
              protects battery and charger from elements   upon separation from   Deluxe TireMinder ®12”
              and corrosion. Features a U-shaped clamp   the tow vehicle. Built-  mechanical RV/trucker’s tire     SECTION 21
              style fastener to mount over most trailer   in LED battery meter   gauge features a Sure Grip™
              tongues, a lockable case, and a galvanized   verifies battery charge.   rubber coat and measures
              metal mounting bracket with locking bar   LED’s indicate: fully charged, re-charge, or   pressures from 10  to 150 psi,
              for secure battery protection.   charging. Complete system includes: box,   accurate to +/- 2 psi.
              730033 2051  Lockable Battery Case  $15.66  battery, charger, 7” switch, and hardware.
                                               Built-in battery charger- charges battery      WARNING: This product
                                               while connected with the tow vehicle. 1-2   can expose you to chemicals including
                                               axle capacity, uses a 5-amp hour battery.   Bisphenol A (BPA), which is known to the
                                               Side-Mount installation design. Break-Away   State of California to cause birth defects
                                               Kit exceeds D.O.T. Regulation 393.43 (d).  or other reproductive harm. For more
                                                                                information go to
                                                          Breakaway Kit Engager SM w/
                                               720055 20100               $76.82  730175 TMG-330-39 Heavy-Duty RV Tire Gauge  $19.33
                                                          LED Meter
              Shur-Set Battery Only

              12v, sealed lead acid                                             Deluxe Mechanical
              battery for use with
              breakaway systems on                                              RV Pressure Gauge                  WHEELS & BRAKES
              single, tandem and tri-
              axle trailers equipped
              with electric brakes.                                             Deluxe 10” dual-head mechanical
              Battery requires periodic                                         tire gauge for RVs with easy-
              recharging to maintain           Dual Air Chuck Tire              to-read dial and relief valve.
              optimum performance.                                              Measures 10-160 psi, accurate to
                                               Pressure Gauge
              730036 2023  Battery 5-AMP Lead Sealed  $43.22                    +/- 1  psi.
                                                                                     WARNING: This product
                                                                                can expose you to chemicals
                                                                                including chromium (hexavalent
                                                                                compounds), which is known to
                                                                                the State of California to cause
                                                                                cancer and birth defects or other
                                                                                reproductive harm. For more information,
                                                                                go to
              Shur-Seal III                    Either push or pull onto the valve stem.   720394 TM22288VP Deluxe Mechanical Pressure Gauge $17.29
                                               Measures from 10 to 150 psi. For trucks
              Breakaway Kit                    and RVs; for all valve stem applications.
                                                          Long Dual Foot
                                               730192 8216-4
                                                                                Digital Tire Pressure
                                                                                Gauge w/Flashlight

                                                                                Bright yellow (easy
                                                                                to locate) and
                                                                                correct, the                       PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
                                                                                Sport LED
                                               Deluxe Tire                      digital tire gauge has a flashlight and
                                                                                true-grip rubber handle. Easy to read, day
              For use on single, tandem and tri-axle                            or night. Measures pressures from 5 to
              trailers equipped with electric brakes.   Pressure Gauge          150 psi, accurate to +/- 2 psi.  Point of
              Mounts on any flat surface. Quick,                                purchase display (8 pieces)
              easy, 4-bolt installation. Weather/
              corrosion resistant. Rust-proof heavy   High ANSI grade B              WARNING: This product can expose you
              duty polyethylene plastic case protects   accuracy, shock-resistant   to chemicals including chromium (hexavalent
              battery and charger from elements   gauge with easy-to-read       compounds), which is known to the State
              and corrosion. Meets or exceeds D.O.T.   dial and convenient      of California to cause cancer and birth
              specifications regarding breakaway/  pressure release button.     defects or other reproductive harm. For more
              holding requirements.            Measures from 10 to 160
                                               psi. For trucks and RVs.         information, go to   SPECIAL ORDER
              730038 20005  Kit NO Charger w/Bolt On Box  $75.68                           Digital Tire Pressure Gauge w/
              730039 2018  Battery Case 1-Bolt  $19.17  730198 8216  Dial Tire Pressure Gauge  $22.37  720395 TMG-SPORT  Flashlight  $12.59
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